A nurse is reviewing discharge instructions with a client following a right cataract extraction

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A nurse is reviewing discharge instructions with a client following a right cataract extraction

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A nurse is reviewing discharge instructions with a client following a right cataract extraction

ATI Med-Surg

1.A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client who has HIV and is being discharged to home. Which

of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

1) Take temperature once a day.

2) Wash the armpits and genitals with a gentle cleanser daily.

3) Change the litter boxes while wearing gloves.

4) Wash dishes in warm water.

2.A nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative following a tracheostomy, and has copious and

tenacious secretions. Which of the following is an acceptable method for the nurse to use to thin

this client's secretions?

1) Provide humidified oxygen.

2) Perform chest physiotherapy prior to suctioning.

3) Prelubricate the suction catheter tip with sterile saline when suctioning the airway.

4) Hyperventilate the client with 100% oxygen before suctioning the airway..

3.Following admission, a client with a vascular occlusion of the right lower extremity calls the

nurse and reports difficulty sleeping because of cold feet. Which of the following nursing actions

should the nurse take to promote the client's comfort?

1) Rub the client's feet briskly for several minutes.

2) Obtain a pair of slipper socks for the client.

3) Increase the client's oral fluid intake.

4) Place a moist heating pad under the client's feet.

4.A nurse is caring for a client is who is 4 hr postoperative following a transurethral resection of

the prostate (TURP). Which of the following is the priority finding for the nurse report to the


1) Emesis of 100 mL

2) Oral temperature of 37.5° C (99.5° F)

3) Thick, red-colored urine

4) Pain level of 4 on a 0 to 10 rating scale

5. A nurse is caring for a client who has a temperature of 39.7° C (103.5° F) and has a prescription

for a hypothermia blanket. The nurse should monitor the client for which of the following adverse

effects of the hypothermia blanket?

1) Shivering

2) Infection

3) Burns

4) Hypervolemia

6.A nurse is reinforcing teaching about exercise with a client who has type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?

1) "I will carry a complex carbohydrate snack with me when I exercise."

2) "I should exercise first thing in the morning before eating breakfast."

3) "I should avoid injecting insulin into my thigh if I am going to go running."

4) "I will not exercise if my urine is positive for ketones."

7.A nurse notes a small section of bowel protruding from the abdominal incision of a client who is

postoperative. After calling for assistance, which of the following actions should the nurse take


1) Cover the client's wound with a moist, sterile dressing.

2) Have the client lie supine with knees flexed.

3) Check the client's vital signs.

Which instruction should be included in the discharge teaching for the client with cataract surgery?

Activity level.
Do not drive for 2 days or as instructed by your doctor..
Do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours..
Avoid bending at the waist to pick up objects or lifting anything heavy for 2 days..
Relax for the first 24 hours after surgery. Watching TV and reading are OK and won't harm your eye..

What is the most common complication following cataract surgery?

A long-term consequence of cataract surgery is posterior capsular opacification (PCO). PCO is the most common complication of cataract surgery. PCO can begin to form at any point following cataract surgery.

Is discharge normal after cataract surgery?

Some clear fluid discharge is common. After a week, even mild discomfort should disappear. In most cases, healing will take between 2 and 6 weeks. You may notice some dried blood on the inside of your cornea care plaster (eye dressing).

What activities will the nurse tell the client to avoid after cataract surgery?

They include:.
Don't do any strenuous activities for a few weeks. Avoid rigorous exercise and heavy lifting..
Don't drive. ... .
Follow your doctor's orders regarding any antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops. ... .
Stay away from dusty areas. ... .
Don't rub your eye. ... .
Don't swim. ... .
Don't wear make-up..