O que significa They are students

they are students()

Una frase es un grupo de palabras que a menudo aparecen juntas (p.ej. érase una vez).


1. (en general)

a. son estudiantes (plural, masculino o de ambos géneros)

They are students from Oxford.Son estudiantes de Oxford.

b. son alumnos (plural, masculino o de ambos géneros)

Who are those kids? - They are students from the high school.¿Quiénes son esos muchachos? - Son alumnos de la escuela secundaria.

c. son alumnas (plural, femenino)

Are those women professors or students? - They are students.¿Aquellas mujeres son profesoras o alumnas? - Son alumnas.

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Another thing, four or five of them said they were students.
Outra coisa, quatro ou cinco disseram que eram estudantes.
They looked like children reminiscing about the stories they had lived through when they were students.
Pareciam crianças a relembrar as histórias vividas, no tempo em que eram estudantes e não só.
Then they were students of the Warsaw School of Education and Sports.
Então eles eram estudantes da Escola de Varsóvia de Educação e Esportes.
Tomlin met his wife, Kiya Winston, while they were students at The College of William & Mary.
Tomlin conheceu sua esposa, Kiya Winston, enquanto eles eram estudantes no Colégio William & Mary.
They slept in the mornings and missed classes at the Royal Institute of Technology where they were students.
Dormiam no período da manhã e reduziram a carga horária no Instituto Real de Tecnologia, onde estudavam então.

Outros exemplos em contexto

Maybe the mistake was not making sure they were students.
Talvez o erro foi assegurar que eram universitários.


Bem-vindo ao dicionário Collins Inglês-Português ("Collins Portuguese Dictionary 2nd edition published in 2001 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 2001").

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