In what ratio is the line segment joining the points 2 and minus 3 and 3 and 7 divided by the Y axis also find the coordinates of the point of division?

Application deadline for  HTET 2022 extended. The candidates can now apply online till 30th September 2022. The exam is conducted by the Board of School Education, Haryana to shortlist eligible candidates for PGT and TGT posts in Government schools across Haryana. The exam is conducted for 150 marks. The HTET Exam Pattern for Level I, Level II, and Level III exams is different. There will be no negative marking in the exam.



Hint: First, let the required ratio in which the y axis divides the line joining the points (-2, -3) and (3, 7) be k : 1, and the point of intersection of this line to the y axis to be (0, y). Then use the section formula: If point P(x, y) lies on line segment AB and satisfies AP : PB = m : n, then we say that P divides AB internally in the ratio m : n. The point of division has the coordinates:$P=\left( \dfrac{m{{x}_{2}}+n{{x}_{1}}}{m+n},\dfrac{m{{y}_{2}}+n{{y}_{1}}}{m+n} \right)$. Then find the value of k which is your final answer.Complete step-by-step answer:In this question, we need to find the ratio in which the y axis divides the line joining the points (-2, -3) and (3, 7).Let the required ratio in which the y axis divides the line joining the points (-2, -3) and (3, 7) be k : 1.We will take the point of intersection of this line to the y axis to be (0, y).We will now use the section formula.The section formula tells us the coordinates of the point which divides a given line segment into two parts such that their lengths are in the ratio m : nIf point P(x, y) lies on line segment AB and satisfies AP : PB = m : n, then we say that P divides AB internally in the ratio m : n. The point of division has the coordinates:$P=\left( \dfrac{m{{x}_{2}}+n{{x}_{1}}}{m+n},\dfrac{m{{y}_{2}}+n{{y}_{1}}}{m+n} \right)$In our question, we have the following:$m=k,n=1,{{x}_{1}}=-2,{{y}_{1}}=-3,{{x}_{2}}=3,{{y}_{2}}=7$We know that the x coordinate of the point of division is 0. Using this, we get the following:$0=\dfrac{k\times 3+1\times \left( -2 \right)}{k+1}$$0=3k-2$$3k=2$ $k=\dfrac{2}{3}$ So, the required ratio in which the y axis divides the line joining the points (-2, -3) and (3, 7) is 2 : 3.Hence, option (c) is correct.Note: In this question, it is very important to let the required ratio in which the y axis divides the line joining the points (-2, -3) and (3, 7) be k : 1, and the point of intersection of this line to the y axis to be (0, y). It is also important to know that if point P(x, y) lies on line segment AB and satisfies AP : PB = m : n, then we say that P divides AB internally in the ratio m : n. The point of division has the coordinates: $P=\left( \dfrac{m{{x}_{2}}+n{{x}_{1}}}{m+n},\dfrac{m{{y}_{2}}+n{{y}_{1}}}{m+n} \right)$. We took the ratio as k:1 to reduce the number of variables.

i In what ratio is the line segment joining the points 2, 3 and 3, 7 divided by the y axis ? Also, find the coordinates of the point of division. ii In what ratio is the line segment joining 3, 1 and 8, 9 divided at the point 5, 21/5 ?

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Let AB be divided by the x-axis in the ratio :1 k at the point P.

Then, by section formula the coordination of P are

`p = ((3k-2)/(k+1) , (7k-3)/(k+1))`

But P lies on the y-axis; so, its abscissa is 0.
Therefore , `(3k-2)/(k+1) = 0`

`⇒ 3k-2 = 0 ⇒3k=2 ⇒ k = 2/3 ⇒ k = 2/3 `

Therefore, the required ratio is `2/3:1`which is same as 2 : 3
Thus, the x-axis divides the line AB in the ratio 2 : 3 at the point P.

Applying `k= 2/3,`  we get the coordinates of point.

`p (0,(7k-3)/(k+1))`

`= p(0, (7xx2/3-3)/(2/3+1))`

`= p(0, ((14-9)/3)/((2+3)/3))`

`= p (0,5/5)`

= p(0,1)

Hence, the point of intersection of AB and the x-axis is P (0,1).

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