How to play Bitlife with your friends

BitLife is all about playing a fun game and having a great time! Some people may try to get a high-paying, successful job, while others may want to make dozens of friends and go to nightclubs. Whether you’re looking to have a fun time or are trying to complete challenges such as the Bridgerton and Sinderella challenges, attending parties is a go-to activity for many. This guide will teach you how to attend parties in BitLife.

How to Attend Parties in BitLife

How to play Bitlife with your friends

Before you can attend parties in BitLife, you need some friends! There are a few different ways you can do this. The easiest way is to accept friendship requests that appear randomly throughout your character’s life. They most frequently occur when your character is a child but will continue to appear until the day you pass away. Accept these requests to gain a few friends to party with easily.


BitLife: How to Marry Into the Royal Family

You can also befriend classmates and coworkers depending on your employment status. To befriend classmates, go to the Occupations tab and select your school. Choose Class, and you will see a list of classmates to befriend. Similarly, for coworkers, navigate to your job tab and select coworkers. A list of fellow employees and your supervisors will appear that you can interact with.

Once you’ve made some friends, go to your relationships tab and pick a friend. Scroll down until you find Party and tap the button. If you’re trying to complete a challenge, you may need to repeat this multiple times with different friends. Otherwise, attend the party to find a screen detailing what type of party you went to and how much you both enjoyed it. You can start attending parties at a very young age, but you can alternatively participate in them as an adult if you wish. However, in BitLife, you can’t attend parties this way with your siblings or parents.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS.

How to play Bitlife with your friends

BitLife’s text simulator gives you the chance to make all the decisions for your sim character, including how many friends they have. You are able to start making friends from the age of 5 when you start school, as before then, all you have are your parents and any siblings and pets you may have in your life.

Once you start school, you are able to start making friends of your own. Often, other kids in your class will ask you to be their friend and you have the choice to accept them or reject them. If you accept their friendship, you will have to work on the friendship to keep it, though.

Making Friends in BitLife

If you do not want to wait for someone to ask you to be their friend you can seek them out for yourself. To find yourself a friend, just tap on ‘School’ on your main screen, select your school, and then tap ‘Class.’ Here you will find a list of your classmates.

How to play Bitlife with your friends
Classmates (BitLife)

It is best to find one with a good (green) relationship bar, but you can also encourage other kids to befriend you by treating them nicely using positive interactions, and increasing the relationship bar. To befriend a classmate, tap on their name and then find ‘Befriend.’

How to play Bitlife with your friends
Befriending People (BitLife)

Once you have a friend, you must maintain the friendship by using positive interactions with them and spending time with them. If you insult them or ignore them, they will no longer be your friend.

How to play Bitlife with your friends
Maintain or increase your relationship bar by using positive interactions with the friend. (BitLife)

These techniques also work in a Workplace—you can make friends with colleagues and maintain those friendships. Just remember to be nice, and not inappropriate, or you may lose your job, or (as a kid) be sent to juvi!

Good luck!

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Multiplayer Bitlife, You can play with a friend.

Connect your devices and either spawn as twins or completely different people in different countries.

If you spawn as twins it is a competition. You have a list of goals (the last one is murdering each other or something like that, or living longer) and if you finish first you get a ribbon. Number One. If you lose you get a ribbon, Number Two.

When you spawn as different people, you have a common goal, to meet, get married, collectively have 20 million, stuff like that. If you succeed you get a ribbon, Teamplayer. If you lose, you dont get anything.

I think non-bitizens should get 5/10 multiplayer games a day and bitizens unlimited.

This is an idea i thought was pretty neat, so i will also be reaching out on instagram and other shit.

Question Posted by Guest on May 15th 2019
Last Modified: Mar 31st 2020

How to play with your Friend on bitlife?

Guest Answered:

You can’t play with friends on BitLife but you can add them into the game

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