How to open a safe with 4 number combination

If your combination has 4 numbers (N1-N2-N3-N4):

  1. Turn the dial to the RIGHT 5 complete revolutions and stop on N1.
  2. Turn the dial to the LEFT, passing N2 three times, stopping on N2 the 4th time.
  3. Turn the dial to the RIGHT passing N3 two times, stopping on N3 the 3rd time.
  4. Turn the dial to the LEFT passing N2 one time, stopping on N2 the 2nd time.
  5. Turn the dial to the RIGHT to unlock, the dial should stop between 88 and 92.
  6. Turn the handle and pull the door open.

These opening directions will work if you have the correct combination and the safe dial has not gone out of alignment. If they do not, we offer Phoenix service throughout the valley and would be happy to assist with any necessary safe repair.

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How to Open Your Safe – 3 Digit Combination Instructions

These instructions pertain to how to open professional safes and safe dials such as AMSEC, S&G and LaGard.
Safes purchased at home clubs or discount stores can be different as they are not professional grade safes.

Download pdf How to Open a 3-Digit Safe Combination

1) Spin the dial left (CCW) at least four times and stop on the first number of the combination. The first number should be directly under the opening mark. First number: ________.

2) Spin the dial right (CW) and stop on the second number the 3rd time the number comes under the opening mark. Second number: ________.

3) Spin the dial left (CCW) and stop on the third number the 2nd time the number comes under the opening mark. Third number: ________.

4) Spin the dial right until the dial stops by itself. If the dial does not stop turning, the combination may be incorrect.

5) Open the safe.

How to Open Your Safe – 4 Digit Combination Instructions

These instructions pertain to dial safes that have a 4 digit combination.

Download pdf How to Open a 4-Digit Safe Combination.

1) Start by turning the dial to the right a minimum of 4 turns and stop on the first number. First number: ________.

2) Turn the dial to the left passing the second number twice, stopping on the third time. Second number: ________.

3) Turn the dial to the right passing the third number once, stopping on the number the next time. Third number: ________.

4) Turn the dial to the left to the fourth number and stop. Fourth number: ________.

5) Open the safe.

How to Open a Safe with 3 Number Combination

How to Open a 4-Digit Combination Safe

How to Change a Safe Combination

Yes. We describe the process and have a video demonstration on how to dial 3-digit safes combinations. You can also print out the directions and store them for future use.

No problem, we show directions for the 4 digit combinations too. You can also print out the directions and store them for future use.

Yes! We view most of them as having the same quality but you also get the ease of use benefit. We have an article on the Myths of Electronic Safe Locks and the Different Types of Electronic Locks.

Call your local locksmith. They can make a key for the safe’s dial so that you can get in.

Tired of Dialing Your Safe Combination?

All that left-right-left confusion. We open thousands of safes a year and sometimes we still get confused! Why not upgrade to an electronic lock? ACME’s Phoenix safe service can swap out your dial with an electronic safe lock at your location or ours (if you want to save the cost of the service call). A good quality electronic lock can be had for around $160 plus labor.

Not convinced you want to change? Check out our blog post Electronic Safe Locks – Myths Busted.

Our this article we wrote which covers the various features you can gain with various types of electronic safe locks.

Worried about an electronic safe lock failing and not being able to get in? No worries. There are new locks on the market that offer both dial and electronic capabilities on the same safe. For ease of use, use the electronic. Should it fail. Use the dial to get in. Amazon is not listing these new locks, but we’ve got them.

ACME Locksmith sells digital safe locks online as well so don’t forget to look at what we offer.

If you need help with your safe just call your local locksmith, and if you’re in the Phoenix area, schedule safe service online with us for up to $10 off.

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Getting an old safe can be exciting if you don’t know what’s inside, but they aren’t easy to open since they’re usually made of steel and concrete. If you want to find out what's stored in the safe and you know the combination, you can easily enter it by turning the dial in the correct sequence. If you aren’t worried about damaging the safe, you may try cutting through the walls with a cut-off saw to access the inside. However, it’s easiest to contact a locksmith if you don’t have the combination or key since they’ll be able to open them with minimal damage.

  1. 1

    Rotate the dial at least 4 times to the left to reset it. Grab the dial on the safe door and turn it to the left so the arrow on top points to 0. Spin the dial so it goes around for 4 full revolutions and passes 0 again. Avoid spinning the dial to the right at all, or else you’ll need to start over from the beginning.[1] X Research source Go to source

    • If you don’t reset the dial before entering the combination, you will not be able to open the safe.

  2. 2

    Stop on the first combination number. Slowly continue turning the dial to the left until the arrow on top lines up with the first number on the combination. Be careful not to go past the first number, or else the safe won’t register that you’re entering the combination.[2] X Research source Go to source

    • If you don’t know the combination, try looking for a brand and serial number printed on the rear bottom corner of the safe. You may be able to get the factory-issued combination by contacting the brand online with your serial number.

  3. 3

    Turn the dial to the right so it goes past the second number twice. Don’t rotate the dial any further to the left since you’ll reset the lock and need to start over. Spin the dial to the right so you make 2 full rotations through the numbers. Leave the dial alone so the arrow points to the first number of the combination.[3] X Research source Go to source

    • If you don’t rotate the dial past the second number, the tumbler won’t engage inside the lock and will prevent the safe from opening.

  4. 4

    Stop on the second number on the third revolution. Turn the dial slowly to the right, making sure not to pass by the combination’s second number. Ensure the arrow at the top of the dial points directly at the second number to ensure the tumbler inside the safe is in the correct position.[4] X Research source Go to source

    • Some safes may still unlock if you’re 1 number off if they’re cheaper or less secure than other brands.

  5. 5

    Spin the dial to the left so it goes past the last number once. Make 1 full revolution around the dial so you stop on the combination’s second number again. Avoid turning the dial to the right at all, or else it will cause the tumblers inside the lock to misalign and prevent the safe from opening.[5] X Research source Go to source

    • Spinning the dial around will engage the last tumbler in the safe so it rotates into position.

  6. 6

    Finish turning the dial when you reach the final combination number. Keep rotating the dial to the left and slow down as you get closer to the last number. Ease the dial into position so the arrow points to the number to finish the combination.[6] X Research source Go to source

    • Avoid spinning the dial too far, or else you’ll cause the safe to lock again.
    • Don’t try pulling on the handle yet since the bolt is still engaged inside the safe.

  7. 7

    Rotate the dial to the right to release the bolt and open the safe. Continue spinning the dial until you hear a clicking noise or until the dial stops moving, which means the bolt disengaged inside the safe. Turn the handle and pull the door open to access the safe.[7] X Research source Go to source

    • When you want to close the safe again, shut the door and turn the dial 4 times to the left to re-engage the lock.

  1. 1

    Screw a metal-cutting blade onto a cut-off saw. Unscrew the bolt on the front of the saw that holds the blade in place. Use a diamond blade that’s made for cutting through metal so you can penetrate through the safe’s body. Check that the arrow on the blade points in the same direction as the one printed on the saw, or else it won’t cut properly. Slide the blade onto the saw and tighten the bolt with a wrench so it’s secure.[8] X Research source Go to source

    • Cut-off saws allow you to cut through difficult material, such as steel or concrete, without damaging the machine. You can buy or rent cut-off saws from your local hardware store.
    • Avoid using blades made for cutting through other materials since they could break and cause serious injury.

    Tip: Contact a locksmith to open the safe for you if you can’t find the combination and don’t want to cause any damage. Manipulating the safe or trying to crack an unknown combination yourself requires a lot of time, practice, and knowledge on how locks work.

  2. 2

    Put on earmuffs, work gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator. Position the earmuffs so they completely cover your ears so you don’t suffer from any hearing damage while you’re working. Since the cut-off saw will produce sparks as you cut through the metal, wear work gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself from thrown debris. There may also be concrete underneath the metal, so wear a respirator that covers your mouth and nose so you don’t inhale any dust.[9] X Research source Go to source

    • You can also wear coveralls to protect your clothing, but they are not required.
    • Never operate a cut-off saw if you aren’t wearing safety equipment since you could seriously injure yourself.

  3. 3

    Draw a rectangle around the edges of the back or side of the safe. Choose to cut through the sides or back of the safe since they’ll be easier to cut through than the door and bolts. Measure in about 3–4 inches (7.6–10.2 cm) from the side of the safe and draw a straight line parallel to the edge. Continue around each of the edges until you’ve drawn a rectangle.[10] X Research source Go to source

    • Avoid making the rectangle too small since you won’t be able to reach inside the safe and access the contents.

  4. 4

    Keep the disc perpendicular to the safe to cut out the rectangular piece. Hold the saw blade 2 inches (5.1 cm) above the outline. Turn on the saw and slowly press it straight down into the metal. Apply light pressure in short up and down strokes as you cut around the outline. Guide the cut-off saw straight through the line on 1 side of the rectangle until you reach the end. As you finish cutting the first line, lift the blade completely out of the metal before setting it down to start the next one. Once you cut through all sides of the rectangle, the metal piece will lift out easily.[11] X Research source Go to source

    • Don’t try forcing the blade through the metal since you could break or damage the blade and cause serious injuries.
    • Cut-off saws will create sparks when working with metal, so don’t work near any flammable materials.
    • The cut edges of the metal can be extremely sharp, so avoid touching them so you don’t injure yourself.

    Warning:Some older safes may contain asbestos to help make them fireproof. If you aren’t sure what’s inside of the safe, avoid cutting into it since you could expose yourself to dangerous chemicals.[12] X Research source Go to source

  5. 5

    Smash any concrete with a sledgehammer to expose the safe’s inner lining. Swing the sledgehammer over your head and bring it down in the center of the concrete so it shatters. Continue pounding the concrete with the sledgehammer until you expose a layer of metal underneath it. Clear out the debris and broken pieces as best as you can so you have a clean work surface to cut through.[13] X Research source Go to source

    • You may also be able to cut through the concrete using a masonry blade on the cut-off saw.
    • There may or may not be concrete inside depending on the brand of safe. Some safes may have solid metal while others have thin layers of fireproofing boards.

  6. 6

    Cut a rectangular hole through the inner liner with your cut-off saw. Position the saw’s blade against the inner liner and turn it on. Press the blade into the metal with light pressure so you don’t damage the saw. Make your cut straight along the edge of the liner so it follows the same outline as your initial hole. Continue cutting around the liner until you cut out a rectangular section.[14] X Research source Go to source

    • You may damage the contents of the safe if you press the saw blade completely through the liner, but it depends how thick the safe is.

  7. 7

    Pry out the piece of liner with a crowbar. Feed the flat end of a crowbar underneath the piece of liner so the curved end hangs over the edge of the safe. Press the curved end down to lift the liner piece up and out of the safe. Carefully grab the liner piece and set it aside so you can reach in and access what’s inside the safe.[15] X Research source Go to source

    • The edges of the liner may be sharp, so wear work gloves while handling it.

  • Cut-off saw with a metal-cutting blade
  • Wrench
  • Earmuffs
  • Respirator
  • Safety glasses
  • Work gloves
  • Sledgehammer
  • Crowbar

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 54,990 times.

Co-authors: 4

Updated: May 14, 2022

Views: 54,990

Article Rating: 50% - 20 votes

Categories: Locks and Keys

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