How to make walking animation roblox

Help and Feedback Scripting Support

Does anyone mind helping out in telling me how to script a walk and run cycle? I already have the animations done, I just want to play them now when a player is at a speed of walking and at a speed of running. Thanks for the help!


There’s a really good animation script I use for that… It should be somewhere on devforum… Sorry can’t access studio right now!

You could copy the the Animate local script from the player’s character when you play test the game with your character, then inside the children of the local script, there will be individual animation names, and you should change the AnimationId of your respective animations you’ve created to the AnimationId of your custom animations.

I have already tried that solution and the problem is that either the animation really slows down at low walk speed (8) or does not want to play (the running animation)

You should know that on mobile, mobile players can control their character walkspeed through moving the button slightly, this will trigger the walk animation. If you’re on PC/move the button to its bounds on mobile, it will trigger the run animation. I assume you want it so that whenever the user inputs a key, it will run the running animation. Otherwise you will need them to play the wall animation you just created. By default, you should set the run animationId inside the local script to the walk animation AnimationId of yours.

Didn’t think of looking for something like this, thanks!

Help and Feedback Scripting Support

Title is self explanatory but i’ll explain it better.

Basically i want to make custom walk / running animations.

I already have both the animations and a shift to sprint script, i want to make it so the normal walking animation is custom, and trigger the running animation once the player sprints.

Can anyone help me?

I think you can refer to this post?

How to make walking animation roblox
Change Default Animations Scripting Support

Here’s how you can change animations and replace them with your own. You can press F5 in ROBLOX Studio in any place. Find the player character in the workspace hierarchy and copy the “Animate” script. Stop the test simulation and paste the script wherever is most convenient for you. Replace the animation id of any animation with your own. (Inside the script you just pasted). Then, when a players joins, you can do the following (from a local script): local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer;…


That solves the walking part but how would i change it when the player runs?

I think you might need to configure around with the Animate script which is located in your Character? I could be wrong though

Help and Feedback Creations Feedback

Run and walk cycles, they're a crucial part of any action game or other game that involves running or custom walking animation. I wanted to make cutscenes for my games to revamp old cutscenes and in those cutscenes I want to create some run and walk animations. I tried to make them quickly because I was confident in my ability to animate. After all, wasn't animating just making a start keyframe and end keyframe? Instead of my animations turning out really good, my characters now have severe foot injuries from shoving their foot in the ground and dislocating their legs when I animated them. [poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar] # Post Review * Post hook was good and the post was engaging to read for the first half * Post was not engaging and the long structure was boring [/poll]

I learned all I could about walk and run cycles instead of taking a blind approach to it to create and perfect some walk and run animations. I eventually learned and memorized the key parts of these cycles and created a first animation for walking and running. Now my characters DON’T have severe foot injuries.


Attached below is a video of the walk and run animations which I think came out well for a first attempt and creating animations with walk cycles and run cycles. I understand there are some inconsistencies with the walk animation such as the right arm moving forward pretty fast compared to the left arm which moved forward a bit slower and the run animation movements in the knee joint may be a bit quick and abrupt so I want to get some more feedback since the quality of the cutscene I'm making is important and a bad run animation can ruin that.

Leave feedback down below (Yes feedback, not hate comments encouraging me to quit) and have a nice day!

Noted Feedback

While it was hard understanding feedback such as “Walking animation looks like a robot” due to no clear ideas on how to fix that, I try my best to understand messages but remember that it would help a ton if you left some ways to actually improve so that I can more easily understand what to change and not misinterpret your feedback.

  • Walking animation feels robotic due to sudden and abrupt movements which are linear and not in an arch which is how most natural movements are plus the arms moved too high
  • Animation for walk looks weird from the front due to exaggerated arm movements making it look like marching and then arms moving too much horizontally.

Summary of What I’ve Learned:
Next time I make a walk cycle, I’ll move the arms a bit lower when they move a bit to the center while at the front + I’ll make them lower and I’ll twist the torso a bit. But from current feedback I think that the run cycle is good for a first attempt.

Total Evaluation:
I think I did very good for a first attempt and will continue working on these animations to improve and use your feedback to improve.

Did you like this structure of post? Leave answers in this poll so that I can get some feedback and if you want to explain why or why not the post was engaging leave replies down below.

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Good from side, but just looks weird from front… idk what’s with that

The idea was to move the arms a little bit in front of the character while it was walking or running but I overemphasized the arm movement in the walking animation so it just looks odd lol but thanks for the feedback!

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Looks nice, are you gonna make a player play the animation upon walking or?

It was just a practice animation and I could probably test it with walking and running animations but the idea was that I learn the run cycles to redo the boss cutscene for my game that I created when I first joined roblox for a 1 year of scripting video that I intend to create with a before and after section.

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Walking animation looks like a robot

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Thanks for the feedback, what made the animation feel robotic so that I can improve it in the future?

The arms go very high for a person who is walking


Thanks for your feedback! I’ll take note of this but also if you can, did the run animation feel natural?

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Yeah the movement looks good but you should tilt the torso a little bit to the front since it’s running.

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