How to house train a dog in 7 days

  • How can I potty train my dog fast?

    Try keeping your dog on a leash near you at all times. Pay attention to when your dog shows signs that it needs to go so you can take it outside.

  • Can I start training my 8-week-old puppy to toilet outside?

    Absolutely! 8 weeks is the ideal to start training, although he's a little young to get the hang of things so be prepared for 'accidents.' Just be sure to be encouraging when he does toilet outside, so he realizes this is a good thing (rather than telling him off for going indoors).

  • 7-week-old puppy isn't eliminating on the paper that I want him to use as a toilet. What can I do?

    A 7-week-old puppy is very young, and likely to be going to the toilet as and when the urge takes him. Most puppies only start to understand toilet training from 8 weeks. In the meantime, spread paper over the entirety of the balcony, and praise him when he uses the paper. As he gets older and is regularly visiting the balcony, gradually decrease the area covered with paper. Be sure to praise him when he chooses paper over the floor.

  • Our 5-month-old pup was trained on puppy pads from a breeder, but not consistently. How can I switch from puppy pads to training outside?

    Move the pads outside and gradually take them away as he gets used to peeing out there.

  • I live in an apartment with my Shih Tzu puppy, but I can't walk him, as poop is not allowed there. What should I do?

    Let him poop outside and pick up after him with a disposable bag; take him on longer walks away from the apartment property if this is an issue. You can also use disposable potty pads for inside the apartment.

  • I have two 8-week old puppies of the same breed. Should I train them individually or together?

    You should probably start off training them individually, because they can be sensitive about potting and marking their territory in front of each other. Eventually you can continue training them together.

  • My greyhound pups are 8 months old and are still not house trained - we can go two to three days without accidents and then they will pee on carpets despite being taken outside! What can I do?

    When they use the bathroom outside, praise them. When they go inside, clean it up really well and take them outside.

  • Can a puppy be too young to train? And also, what if you live somewhere very cold while you are trying to train it?

    I don't believe so, but you should start training a puppy when it's 12-16 weeks old. If you live somewhere very cold, I recommend buying a puppy coat to keep him or her warm. If your dog has a thick coat, I don't think it's a problem.

  • My new 9 month old dog came from a shelter where they went potty inside the kennel. He now thinks it is okay to go potty inside the home. How do I correct this?

    Try pee pad training. The next time your puppy goes to do his business, don't scold him or give him a punishment of any kind. Before he goes potty, look for some signs (a raised leg for example) and quickly move him to the pad. If it's too late and he goes potty, just clean it up and be more alert next time. Put a pee pad where he went. Dogs tend to go to the same places they already went potty. When he goes potty on the pad reward/praise him.

  • How can I stop my dog from barking in the house?

    Most professional trainers have found Dutch is the best language to use to train dogs. Say, "Flikker!" in a strong, firm voice when your dog barks, followed by a yank on the collar.

House training your puppy is about consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement. The goal is to instill good habits and build a loving bond with your pet.

It typically takes 4-6 months for a puppy to be fully house trained, but some puppies may take up to a year. Size can be a predictor. For instance, smaller breeds have smaller bladders and higher metabolisms and require more frequent trips outside. Your puppy's previous living conditions are another predictor. You may find that you need to help your puppy break old habits in order to establish more desirable ones.

And while you're training, don’t worry if there are setbacks. As long as you continue a management program that includes taking your puppy out at the first sign they need to go and offering them rewards, they’ll learn.

Experts recommend that you begin house training your puppy when they are between 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. At that point, they have enough control of their bladder and bowel movements to learn to hold it.

If your puppy is older than 12 weeks when you bring them home and have been eliminating in a cage (and possibly eating their waste), house training may take longer. You will have to reshape the dog’s behavior -- with encouragement and reward.

Experts recommend confining the puppy to a defined space, whether that means in a crate, in a room, or on a leash. As your puppy learns that they need to go outside to do their business, you can gradually give them more freedom to roam about the house.

When you start to house train, follow these steps:

  • Keep the puppy on a regular feeding schedule and take away their food between meals.
  • Take the puppy out to eliminate first thing in the morning and then once every 30 minutes to an hour. Also, always take them outside after meals or when they wake from a nap. Make sure they goe out last thing at night and before they are left alone.
  • Take the puppy to the same spot each time to do their business. Their scent will prompt them to go.
  • Stay with them outside, at least until they are house trained.
  • When your puppy eliminates outside, praise them or give a treat. A walk around the neighborhood is a nice reward.

A crate can be a good idea for house training your puppy, at least in the short term. It will allow you to keep an eye on them for signs they need to go and teach them to hold it until you open the crate and let them outside.

Here are a few guidelines for using a crate:

  • Make sure it is large enough for the puppy to stand, turn around, and lie down, but not big enough for them to use a corner as a bathroom.
  • If you are using the crate for more than two hours at a time, make sure the puppy has fresh water, preferably in a dispenser you can attach to the crate.
  • If you can’t be home during the house training period, make sure somebody else gives them a break in the middle of the day for the first 8 months.
  • Don’t use a crate if your puppy is eliminating in it. Eliminating in the crate could have several meanings: they may have brought bad habits from the shelter or pet store where they lived before; they may not be getting outside enough; the crate may be too big; or they may be too young to hold it in.

Whining, circling, sniffing, barking, or, if your puppy is unconfined, barking or scratching at the door, are all signs they need to go. Take them out right away.

Accidents are common in puppies up to a year old. The reasons for accidents range from incomplete house training to a change in the puppy’s environment.

When your puppy does have an accident, keep on training. Then if it still doesn’t seem to be working, consult a veterinarian to rule out a medical issue.

Keep the following do's and don'ts in mind while housetraining your puppy:

  • Punishing your puppy for having an accident is a definite no-no. It teaches your puppy to fear you.
  • If you catch your puppy in the act, clap loudly so they know they have done something unacceptable. Then take them outside by calling them or taking them gently by the collar. When they are finished, praise them or give them a small treat.
  • If you found the evidence but didn’t see the act, don’t react angrily by yelling or rubbing their nose in it. Puppies aren’t intellectually capable of connecting your anger with their accident.
  • Staying outside longer with your puppy may help to curb accidents. They may need the extra time to explore.
  • Clean up accidents with an enzymatic cleanser rather than an ammonia-based cleaner to minimize odors that might attract the puppy back to the same spot.

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