How to get a music disc in minecraft

Music Disc are primarily meant to be used to play music for the player, with over fourteen Discs there’s bound to be one you’ll like. They’re great for when you want to unwind and listen to some nice music. So if you’re looking for how to get mobs to drop discs, how all music discs look, and where to find them, we have you covered in our Music Disc guide below.


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Music Discs are Vinyl shaped and are meant to be played. The Music Disc only has one song and when the song is done, it’ll stop playing and sit in the Jukebox. Other than playing music loudly for you and other nearby players to hear they don’t serve any major purpose.

There are 14 Music Discs in Minecraft that all look different from one another. Some discs may look similar to others but you can always tell by looking at the color scheme in the middle and looking at the music disc in your inventory. Listed below are all the discs and a picture of how it looks.





Getting a mob to drop a Music Disc is harder than it seems because it requires a few steps. For this method to work, you’re going to need a Skeleton and a Creeper. Now that you have both of them, you’re going to need to get the Creeper close to death and the Skeleton has to shoot the killing blow to the creeper. After the creeper is successfully killed by the skeleton, it’ll drop any of the music discs, but Otherside and Pigstep.

To learn more about Mobs that can be found across Minecraft, be sure to check out our Mobs guide for more details.

Music discs can also be found throughout the world in a few different biomes. Listed below are all the known biomes to have specific music discs for both Bedrock and Java.



Dungeon Chest: 1 (21.8%)
Woodland Mansion Chest: 1(21.5)

Dungeon Chest: 1 (21.8%)
Woodland Mansion Chest: 1(21.5%)

Buried Treasure Chest: 1 (18.9%)

Bastion Remnant Chest: 1 (5.6%)


Buried Treasure Chest: 1 (18.9%)


Dungeon Chest: 1 (21.5%)
Woodland Mansion Chest: 1(21.8%)

Dungeon Chest: 1 (21.5%)
Woodland Mansion Chest: 1(21.8%)


Dungeon Chest: 1 (3.1%)
Stronghold Altar Chest: 1 (2.5%)

Bastion Remnant Chest: 1 (5.6%)

To use a Music Disc all you’ll need is a Jukebox. Once you have a jukebox built, set it somewhere and place the disc inside and music will start playing. You’ll know that you’ve successfully put the Music Disc in the jukebox when you see a little music note appear above the box.

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