How to fix water damaged swollen particle board furniture

Water damaged particle board KALLAX: what to do next?

Julia gave a shout for help on our IH Facebook group:

“I need problem solving help.

My daughter was trying to do a good thing and bought two 2×4 KALLAX units off FB for a sick friend.

The units were incredibly dirty, but they were cheap and we were going to clean and disinfect anyway.

However, some of the veneer started to come loose as we loaded the pieces into the truck. It started to rain on the way home, and by then, the veneer pieces were practically sliding off in places.

Looking at it, it appears the owners knew there were problems, as there are a couple splotches of hot glue underneath.

How to fix water damaged swollen particle board furniture

Some of the scratches swelled from the water exposure too.

How to fix water damaged swollen particle board furniture

So… my daughter’s heart is sad and I’m trying to see how we can salvage the situation and fix these units.

I’m not sure what kind of glue to use or precautions we should take. Any advice is greatly appreciated!”

~ by Julia


Hi Julia

KALLAX is made from particleboard. Water is its kryptonite.

The first thing to do is to assess the damage. How severe is the water damage? Are many of the panels swollen and warped?

If so, it may not be worth saving. And your daughter may be better off buying another set of pre-loved KALLAX.

Next, do you have time to let it dry thoroughly? Wet particleboard can easily sag under weight. If not thoroughly dried, it may also provide a fertile ground of mold and mildew. If so, again you may want to discard it.

How to fix water damaged particle board

Let’s say, it’s salvageable. Then this is what I’ll recommend.

First, let it dry thoroughly. Either naturally or use a hairdryer.

Sand down the areas that “bubbled up”, with a fine grit sandpaper. Then use wood filler to repair the surface and other scratches. Sand it down again to smoothen the surface.

For the veneer edges that fell off, try using veneer glue to stick them back on. Remove any residual glue from the veneer strips first. After applying the glue, clamp the strips down to cure. (Follow directions on the product.)

Then, consider refurbishing the KALLAX unit.

You can paint using the sand, prime, paint sequence. (Here’s a guide on how to paint veneer.)

Many readers have successfully used chalk paint on IKEA furniture, with minimal sanding and no primer.

How to fix water damaged swollen particle board furniture

KALLAX unit painted with acrylic paint

Alternatively, use other methods to hide the scarring, like contact paper. If you’re handy, you can also wrap it with plywood.

How to fix water damaged swollen particle board furniture

Expedit with plywood wrap and contact paper on shelves

Hope you found this helpful. Let us know how it turned out.

Happy hacking,


Hacking may compromise the structural integrity of the item, so please be aware of the risks involved before modifying or altering any IKEA product. Alterations and modifications will also void any warranties or return policies you may have received from IKEA. is not liable for any product failure, injury or damage resulting from the application of suggestions, ideas and hacks featured on this site.

Particle board is a common material used in many areas of the home. From kitchen cabinets to durable, lightweight furniture, it’s a material that you likely own. Accidents happen, and sometimes the particle board may experience water damage. When this happens, the surface will swell up and lose its smooth shape.

Thankfully, water damaged particle board isn’t too difficult to repair. In some cases, there may be enough damage that requires new sheets of material. If so, call our experts at All Dry USA to help. We are a well-established restoration and repair services firm for residential and commercial clients.

If the damaged area is small, it may be an easy at-home fix. Follow our step by step instructions below to repair water-damaged boards in your home.

1. Dry the wet area

The first step towards repairing a water damaged particle board is to dry the section that is wet. It does take a long time to dry naturally, so leave some time for this step.

If you’re in a hurry and want to speed up the process, you can use something like a hairdryer to speed up the process. Simply aim the hairdryer at the wet section. Hold it for a while so that the particle board has a chance to dry evenly.

2. Buff off the raised area with sandpaper

Buffing the areas gives the sheets a smoother finish. You’re left with the option of finishing with a waterproof coating so that you don’t deal with the raised wet problem again.

If you choose to use a waterproof coating, you’ll need to set it aside to dry fully before moving onto the next step. Use this time to clean up any lingering mess from the first two steps of repairing your particle board.

3. Cut out damaged areas of the board with a knife

Once your waterproofed particle board has dried, or your material has been sanded down, you’ll remove the damaged parts of the particle board. Using a knife, cut out the swollen and damaged parts of the material.

Any sections that have turned into a powdery texture or gotten wet should be removed. Again, at this step, you want to give your board time to dry.

Use a vacuum tool to suck out any powdery sections left on the particle board. Anything left can damage the particle material from the inside out.

4. Add wood filler to the holes

Purchase a can of wood filler. Mix it together, following the instructions on the label provided. Using a knife or a scraper, apply the wood filler into the holes you have created. Use the tool to make sure it’s level to the rest of the board.

Scrape any excess filler out so that the entire particle board has an even surface.

5. Sand the area to finish the repair

Once your wood filler has dried, you’ll finish off with a fine-grit piece of sandpaper. This last sanding ensures that the whole completed board is even and smooth.

Now is a time that you can follow up with another coat of waterproof seal. This will keep your board from experiencing this damage again in the future.


If the water damage is extensive, it may be more worth it to replace damaged sections with a new particle board entirely. Call our team at All Dry USA for professional repairs and installation. Our experts are ready to help you solve your water damage and particle board issues. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment!