How to clean cat pee out of carpet with baking soda

Cats make for a lovely family pet and, when all goes well, they are fairly low maintenance. However, even the most well-behaved kitties can have an unfortunate accident in the home. Our guide will tell you all you need to know about how to clean dried cat urine from a carpet.

  1. For hygiene, pop on a pair of rubber gloves; if not, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after going near the cat pee – it can be bad for your health (see below).

  2. If there is any wet urine residue, use an old towel or absorbent paper towels to blot the area of carpet that has cat urine on it. You want to soak up as much liquid as possible. Never rub urine stains as this will push them further into your carpet.

  3. Blend together a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water and generously swab the affected area (to avoid any possible damage to your carpet, it’s best to test the mixture on an inconspicuous area first). Leave for 30 minutes.

    Tip: Place an upside down laundry basket over the affected area to stop people walking over it while you’re waiting for the treatment to work.

  4. Blot the area thoroughly using paper towels or a cloth.

  5. Repeat the process as many times as necessary (you may need a few goes to get all of the stain out).

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1. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

Another effective method for how to get cat urine out of a carpet uses a combination of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

As well as the active ingredients, you’ll need a bowl, washing-up liquid, toothbrush or nail brush and a vacuum cleaner. Hydrogen peroxide can be found in chemists and online – you’ll need the solution labelled as 3 per cent or ‘food grade’. Have your supplies? Here’s what to do:

  1. Sprinkle the baking soda over the affected area. (We have more on using baking soda in our 10 genius uses for baking soda you probably haven't heard of.) Add a teaspoon of washing-up liquid to 250ml of hydrogen peroxide.

  2. Drizzle this solution over the baking soda and then use a toothbrush or nail brush to work it into the carpet.

  3. Allow to fully dry, and then vacuum up the sediment. (Remember to change vacuum bags after use so you don’t get stuck with the smell of cat urine in your home.)

2. Sparkling water

This is a useful standby if you don’t have any other ingredients to hand. You’ll just need some bubbly water and a cloth/paper towels.

  1. Blot the urine using a cloth or paper towels, removing any remaining liquid.

  2. Pour the sparkling water onto the stain and then dab with paper towels; if using a cloth make sure to continually rotate it to a dry part. It’s important to dab and not rub at the stain.

  3. Repeat as necessary, and then leave to dry.

3. Commercial cleaners

If you want to know how to clean dried cat urine from a carpet using commercial products, there are two main types of treatments you can buy at stores or online: oxygen- and enzyme-based cleaners. The latter are especially good at tackling cat pee as they break down the urine and neutralise odours.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and remember to first test on an unobtrusive piece of carpet to ensure that there is no damage.

Tackling stubborn cat urine stains

If the stain has been there a long time it may require a commercial enzyme cleaner straight off the bat (see above for details). Stubborn marks may require a carpet shampooer (which you can rent). If you can’t budge the stain it’s time to call in a professional cleaner.

How to remove cat urine smell from carpets

Once you’ve cleaned up the mess, you may then have the problem of a lingering smell, so it’s important to know how to remove cat urine smell from a carpet. Remember that cats have a stronger sense of smell than humans, so even if you barely notice an odour your cat might and may pee in the same area again.

Enzyme-based cleaners are good at tackling odours (see above). Baking soda also works well – just sprinkle over the affected area and leave overnight before vacuuming it up. (For more useful tips, check out our guide on how to get rid of cat pee smell around the house.)

How to stop a cat peeing on carpet

Obviously it’s better that your feline friend is not peeing on the carpet in the first place.

  • The first thing to check is whether you have the litter box set up properly. Cats like privacy along with peace and quiet. If possible, put the litter box in a tranquil area of the house.

  • As cats have a strong sense of smell your kitty will detect the odour of a litter tray before you do. Try to scoop every day and thoroughly clean the tray out once a week. Check our article here on how to clean a litter box.

  • Make sure the litter box isn’t too small and that if you have more than one cat that the tray is big enough.

  • If you find your cat suddenly starts having accidents around the house, consider whether anything has changed: a new pet or person in the home can upset cats, as well as whether you have changed the type of cat litter or moved the tray.

  • If the problem persists, take your cat to the vet for a check up and advice on how to deal with the problem.

Your cat pee questions answered

Does vinegar remove cat urine from carpet?

Yes, white vinegar solutions can be effective at cleaning the carpet of cat pee. Simply follow the directions above.

Does cat pee ruin carpet?

Yes, if left untreated there can be long term damage to your carpet as well as the subflooring – repeated accidents in the same place can cause urine to soak into floorboards, causing them to rot.

Is cat urine bad for your health?

It can be. The strong ammonia odour from untreated urine can affect people with asthma or emphysema, or may trigger allergies.

Bacteria will also grow on the urine which can cause problems such as inflamed airways or skin irritation – young children or the elderly will be especially sensitive.

In extreme cases, where the urine soaks into the carpet padding, dangerous moulds can form (some of which can cause serious, long-term conditions).

How do you find a urine stain?

The most effective way to tackle a pee stain is to get to it as quickly as possible. However, if you don’t spot it when it’s still wet then it can be easy to miss: look for any discolouration in the carpet.

If you suspect kitty has had an accident but can’t locate it, pull the curtains during the day and (assuming you don’t have blackout drapes) the room will be dimmer but with enough sunlight coming through to make the stain easier to spot.

Lastly, you can shine a so-called black light over the carpet. Despite the name, these are ultraviolet lights of the kind used to detect counterfeit bank notes – they are available online or from specialist lighting shops. This will readily highlight any stained areas.

Have problems when it comes to bath time for your kitty? Read on in our article how to bathe a cat even if it hates water.

Originally published 20 October 2020

Cat pee has one of those smells that is unmistakable — if you have cat pee in your home, you know it. Thankfully, most of our feline friends stick to peeing in their litter boxes. However, sometimes an accident can happen.

Cat pee in the carpet is the worst because it seeps in and can take a great deal of effort to remove. To help, we look at different methods to properly clean cat urine from your carpet and remove the unpleasant odors that go along with it. Let’s get started.

Before You Begin Removing Cat Urine Smell & Stains

Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

You may be tempted to break out the carpet steam cleaner for this job, but cleaning up cat urine is not a job for a steam cleaner. The heat and steam from these machines will bond the protein in cat pee to the carpet fibers. Instead, keep the following supplies on hand in the event of a cat pee emergency.

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Dishcloths
  • Dish soap
  • Enzymatic cleaner
  • Paper towels
  • Water
  • Carpet shampooer

Unlike the steam cleaner, the carpet shampooer uses cold water and soap to clean the carpet and then suck out out the excess, dirty liquid. It’s scrubbing the fibers clean instead of using steam. Carpet shampooers are acceptable if you wish to use them on cat urine spots. If not or if you don’t have access to one, there are still plenty of ways to remove the pee from your carpet using other household items.

First, blot as much of the stain as you can with paper towels. Then, spray the enzymatic cleaner onto the stain, covering it completely. You’ll have to follow the directions on the bottle, but most cleaners need to sit for 10–15 minutes to reach their maximum effectiveness.

Then, use a clean cloth to blot up the cleaner. Change to a dry cloth when necessary, and repeat the blotting until the stain is dry.

You may have to repeat these steps if you still notice a stain or odor after the area is thoroughly dry.

If you're trying to find an enzyme cleaner that does it all, we highly recommend our favorite cleaner, the Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray.

It permanently removes the very worst stains and smells you can imagine and makes clean up a breeze. There's even a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Click here to order a bottle today.

At Pet Keen, we’ve admired Hepper for many years, and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding products of this cool cat company!

Image Credit: FotoHelin,Shutterstock

Start by mixing 1.5 cups of warm water with ½ cup white vinegar. You can leave this solution in a bowl or add it to a spray bottle.

Blot as much of the pee up from the carpet as you can by using a clean cloth.

Saturate the stain with the vinegar mixture by pouring or spraying it on. Let it sit for 5 minutes. The vinegar will neutralize the odors and kill bacteria. Your carpet may smell like vinegar afterward, but that fades away much quicker than cat pee odor.

Blot up the vinegar mixture and cover the area with baking soda. Let it sit overnight to absorb the rest of the cat urine odor.

Vacuum the baking soda up in the morning, and your carpet will be stain-free.

Image Credit: Polina Tankilevitch, Pexels

Blot up as much of the urine from the carpet as you can with a clean cloth.

Cover the stain with baking soda. While that’s sitting, mix ¾ cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of dish detergent. Make sure the dish soap does not contain bleach.

Pour the solution over the baking soda, and use a cloth to gently push it into the carpet. Don’t scrub! Scrubbing can push the urine out into a larger area, creating a bigger stain. Blot up any access liquid, and let the solution sit overnight to dry. In the morning, vacuum up any remaining baking soda.

Repeat Cleaning

If you notice that the odor still isn’t gone, repeat the cleaning process or try a different one. You want to make sure no trace of the pee odor is lingering. This could be a sign to your cat that it’s okay to pee there again.

If all else fails, use a carpet shampooer. You can rent one if you don’t own one. Most carpet shampoos have options for pet odor removal that are made with ingredients to fight urine stains. Remember not to use a steam cleaner!

When to Be Concerned

Cats don’t like to pee outside of their litter box, but they will sometimes for various reasons. One of these reasons is an underlying health problem. If you notice that your cat is peeing repeatedly outside of the box, have them seen by a veterinarian.

Your cat could be trying to alert you to a urinary tract or bladder infection. Crystals in the urine could also be the cause of this behavior.

If you notice blood in their urine, take your cat to the vet immediately.

Other symptoms, such as straining to urinate or hissing, growling, or crying while they pee, are signs that something is wrong.

For Dried Cat Pee Stains

Image Credit: Syda Productions, Shutterstock

Sometimes we don’t notice soiled areas on the carpet right away. For dried stains, it’s best to use an enzymatic cleaner and baking soda.

Spray the stain with the cleaner and blot up any excess liquid. While the stain is damp, thoroughly cover it with baking soda. Allow it to sit overnight. Vacuum up the baking soda the next day.

Keep the Litter Box Clean

Cats pee outside of their litter boxes when the insides are too dirty for their liking. If your cat pees outside the box, check to see if it’s clean. You may want to completely empty the litter, wash the box, and refill it with fresh litter to see if that stops the issue.

If the litter box is clean, consult your vet for an exam to rule out health issues.

Conclusion: How to Get Cat Urine Smell & Stains Out of Carpets

Cat pee on the carpet can be frustrating. No one wants to deal with that stinky mess. It is possible to get rid of the stains and odors, though. By following these methods, you can get back to having an odor-free home in no time.

If these methods don’t work completely the first time, it may take a few tries before all the odors are eliminated. Once you get rid of them completely, your cat will be less likely to pee there again.

If your cat is still peeing outside of the litter box, have them checked by a veterinarian. Sometimes, behavior or health issues are to blame for this behavior. Eliminate any medical issues right away.

Featured Image Credit: Pixel Shot, Shutterstock

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