How to change roblox font

This website is the best tool to change your fonts on roblox. It produces copy and paste fonts theat can be easily used on Robloc to change the font style. One can easily change the fonts of their username and other stuff on Roblox by using this advance font generator. This tool not only generates fancy text but also combine the generated text with beautiful and cool symbols.

Will the generated text work on Roblox?

Yes, it will work. You can also use our other font generator tool to create fancy text for any other social media platform. This tool only generates fonts that is compatible with Roblox and other social media platform.

The best part of these “copy and paste fonts” is that they are supported in comments, username and also in the messages.

Roblox Fonts

  • Math Bold Fraktur- Eg: 𝕽𝖔𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖝 𝖋𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖘
  • Math Bold Script- Eg: 𝓡𝓸𝓫𝓵𝓸𝔁 𝓯𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓼
  • Fullwidth Fonts- Eg: Roblox fonts
  • Squared (neg) Fonts- Eg: 🆁🅾🅱🅻🅾🆇 🅵🅾🅽🆃🆂
  • Circled Fonts- Eg: Ⓡⓞⓑⓛⓞⓧ ⓕⓞⓝⓣⓢ
  • Math Sans Bold- Eg: 𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗼𝘅 𝗳𝗼𝗻𝘁𝘀
  • Double Struck- Eg: ℝ𝕠𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕩 𝕗𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕤
  • Regional Indicator font- Eg: 🇷🇴🇧🇱🇴🇽 🇫🇴🇳🇹🇸
  • Psuedoalphabet- Eg: 尺o乃レoメ キo刀イ丂

How to Use?

Visit the Page:

Go to Roblox Fonts (/RobloxFonts.html).

Enter your text and choose from different fonts generated.

Copy the fonts and start using it.

Help and Feedback Scripting Support

Hey Developers, My problem is more like a bug, I also tried disabling all my plugins and stuff but it happens again. My problem is that (multiple) TextLabels in Workspace located in (multiple) Parts, which have the Font “LuckiestGuy” are kind of broken. The text LuckiestGuy turns into another font when I join in Studio. The strange thing is that the Font is the “LuckiestGuy” Font. Now when I change the Font and then back to LuckiestGuy it changes back to the LuckiestGuy font, but when I test the game it changes back to the old one. Here are some proofs:

How to change roblox font

The font is LuckiestGuy but as shown in image it isn’t the selected font
How to change roblox font
also when I duplicate the Part this happens:


Any help would be appreciated!!


I Don’t know why but I tried out this Code:

for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == "Welcome Sign" or v.Name == "Sign" and v:IsA("Part") then v.SurfaceGui.TextLabel.RichText = false end end

and that fixed the Error. When I changed like the Text Size of the TextLabel it changed back to the original font but when I joined studio it changed back, somehow only this worked. I won’t mark this as a solution because I really want to know what could be a possible Reason for this strange behavior of these Text Labels…

RichText changes the text behavior, which would most likely be the reasoning behind this fixing it.

You could really just change the property on the TextLabel, but this works too! (You’ll just have to manually update the list accordingly.


Is there an a reason why the text randomly changed to another font, while the text font text was still „luckiestguy“?
Also thank you for your reply!

Quite possibly this was a glitch, but I can’t say that with confidence…

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I also have been having this same issue with the Luckiest Guy font and as far as I can tell, the bug is on Roblox’s end. I recently had the issue forwarded to dev relations, so hopefully they can get it sorted out.


Somehow i cannot post Topics on the Bug Report, maybe someone else will do it!

this seems to be happening with most fonts, a lot of text objects in my game use the Ubuntu font

heres what it looked like originally:

How to change roblox font

and heres what it looks like now:

How to change roblox font

(apologies if discord image urls arent allowed)

i originally thought this issue was exclusive to the Ubuntu font but im running into the same issues after switching fonts again
from what ive seen, this only seems to affect bold text using rich text (not a bold font, like source sans bold)


Been randomly having the same issue with my game too! My game’s textlabels will suddenly change from the “FredokaOne” font into another more basic font (like the one OP posted).

It only seems to happen every 1 in 10 test sessions. Perhaps the font didn’t have time enough to load in, so it’s resorting to a default font? This has only started happening in the past 1 or 2 weeks.

How to change roblox font

How it’s supposed to look

How to change roblox font

How it’s not supposed to look


I will send a message to the Bug Reports Channel!

I also have some fonts that are doing the same thing ! THX i finally find people talking about it… It started for me i think today im not quite sure… But Special Elite is also broken… So now we can only wait until Roblox fix those bugs… (if they are gonna do it)… :>

I sent a Bug Report to the @Bug-Support Report. Hope they will notice this.

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The issue appears to be with how rich text loads. For the time being, if the text element doesn’t rely on rich text but has it enabled I would disable it. If you do need rich text though, you could try to explicitly define the font of the text in the rich text data instead on just selecting it in the properties.

Seems to be an issue with the rich text data occasionally loading after the properties, hence the font in the text elements properties being overwritten. This would explain why resetting the font would fix it and why the font shows correctly when it appears as a default font.

I don’t have concrete proof, so take this all with a grain of salt.


Well… it seems it still not fixed…