How to change group privacy on roblox

How to change group privacy on roblox

The old Group Admin page, with the "Group Info" tab open

The Configure Group (formerly known as Group Admin) page allows you to change groups' settings. Members with higher ranks, which allow them to have certain authority, are able to see and change these settings.

Group information

At the top of the default Information tab are the settings to change the Group Image and Description. Group Images go through moderation, to make sure they follow the Image Guidelines. Group Descriptions are usually something that defines what a group is about.

On the right are the Group Entry settings. Users can set it to allow Anyone to join, or to Manual Approval. When set to Manual Approval, those who recently joined the group must be approved before they can be join it.

Below this, group owners can appoint a new group owner. To do this, they must in a name and hit 'Make Owner'. Then, they must preform 2-step verification. After that, an owner would repeat their previous action. Then, the former owner will become a member and the newly appointed user will become the owner.

How to change group privacy on roblox

Doing this will remove all group-owner privileges from the former owner and will remove their rank as the group's owner. Their rank will be made the lowest rank.

Right below the Make Owner settings, the group name can be also changed for 100 Robux once every 90 days. After 90 days, the old group name will be recycled and will be available for reuse.


This panel lets users tweak the user settings. A list of all the different users, as well as the ability to change their rank, can be seen. If someone with the appropriate permissions wishes to change their rank, they must click on the dropdown menu and select their new rank. There is also a red Exile User button under their name. This kicks the user from the group.

Join requests

If you have group joining set to Manual Approval you'll see a list of people who want to join your group. You get to see their username, if they have Premium, when they asked to join and big buttons to accept or decline them.

Up at the top was a search bar. If you have a specific friend who you asked to join, you can look for their requests using that search.

At the bottom of the list were two big Accept ALL and Decline ALL buttons. They do exactly what they say, either allow all the requests in or deny all the member requests.

The four default ranks

When the group's creator first creates the group the group is given four different ranks by default which can later be changed by either editing the name of the rank or simply adding more ranks

  1.  Guest "a non-group member."
  2.  Member "a regular group member."                                           
  3.  Admin "group administrator."
  4.  Owner "the group's owner."


This is a list of basic settings given the owner and some ranks of the group

Require Approval

  • Anyone can join -Makes it so people can join without approval
  • Manual approval -Makes it so only selected members can accept new members

Entry Qualifications

  • User must have Premium - Premium only members can join


  • Allow enemy declarations -Allows other groups or your own group to declare another group an enemy when enabled
  • Group funds are publicly visible -Any member or non-member can see the groups profit
  • Group games are visible on the group home page -If the group has any games or places they can be added to the group's front page

Rank settings

At the bottom of the page is the Rank Settings menu. This might look a little complex, but it's actually pretty simple.

How to change group privacy on roblox


1. Name and Description

This is what the name of each rank will have. Click the Create button to make a new blank rank (each rank costs 25 ROBUX).

2. Rank Number

The Rank Number is where the rank is compared to other ranks. The higher the number, the higher the rank. Guests are the lowest, at 0 and Owners are the highest, at 255. Other ranks can be spread out through here. Normally the more permissions you have the higher rank you are. Rank numbers also define who can promote who, given the proper permissions.

3. Rank Settings

This is where things get interesting.

A rank level can have individual permissions set, for example in this picture only the Owner and Admin can delete posts on the group wall (purple). Look at the 4. Legend to see what permission is what.

Remember that Guests are any random people who visit your Group page. So it might not be a good idea to let them all post on the Group Wall, but it would be good to let them see the wall.

Another note is that the names should probably mean something. Naming the people who can do almost anything 'Admins' makes sense, but naming them 'CARL' and your regular Members 'JOHN' both doesn't make sense and can be terribly confusing. But hey, it's your group, name them what you want.

4. Legend

The legend is used to tell us what each checkbox does, and how it affects. For example, it tells us that if we select the box underneath purple, that rank will be able to delete posts on the group wall.


Declaring allies

Users can declare allies with other groups by going to Group Admin, scrolling down to "Allies" then search the name of the group you wish to send an ally request to in the search bar.

How to change group privacy on roblox

When you are done, press the "Send Ally Request" button. You will have to wait for the other group to accept your ally request.

Accepting ally requests

You can easily accept an ally request from another group by going to the Group Admin panel, scrolling down to where it says "Allies". You will notice an ally request from another group.

How to change group privacy on roblox

You may Accept the request by selecting "Accept" next to the group's name in the Allies tab, or you can opt into Declining the ally request.


The Revenue group admin feature allows all groups sales to be measured such as shirts sells game passes sold in-game purchase and also group revenue payout


The payout options gives the admins two options

One-time Payout

This option allows the admins to have the ability pay any member one time with ROBUX which is gain by revenue earned by the group's products.

Recurring Payout

This option allows the admins to send out payments on a timely schedule to the selected members this function is the same a one-time payout but it's continuous, unlike one-time.

How to change group privacy on roblox