How long for food poison to kick in

Food can become contaminated at any stage during its production, processing or cooking.

For example, it can become contaminated by:

  • not cooking food thoroughly (particularly meat)
  • not correctly storing food that needs to be chilled at below 5C
  • keeping cooked food unrefrigerated for a long period
  • eating food that has been touched by someone who is ill or has been in contact with someone with diarrhoea and vomiting
  • cross-contamination (where harmful bacteria are spread between food, surfaces and equipment)

Cross-contamination can occur, for example, if you prepare raw chicken on a chopping board and don't wash the board before preparing food that won't be cooked (such as salad), as the harmful bacteria can be spread from the chopping board to the salad.

It can also occur if raw meat is stored above ready-to-eat meals and juices from the meat drip on to the food below.

See preventing food poisoning for information about reducing these risks

Types of infection

Food contamination is usually caused by bacteria, but it can also sometimes be caused by viruses or parasites. Some of the main sources of contamination are described below.


In the UK, campylobacter bacteria are the most common cause of food poisoning. The bacteria are usually found on raw or undercooked meat (particularly poultry), unpasteurised milk and untreated water.

The incubation period (the time between eating contaminated food and the start of symptoms) for food poisoning caused by campylobacter is usually between two and five days. The symptoms usually last less than a week.


Salmonella bacteria are often found in raw or undercooked meat, raw eggs, milk, and other dairy products.

The incubation period is usually between 12 and 72 hours. The symptoms usually last around four to seven days.


Listeria bacteria may be found in a range of chilled, "ready-to-eat" foods, including pre-packed sandwiches, cooked sliced meats and pâté, and soft cheeses (such as Brie or Camembert).

All of these foods should be eaten by their "use-by" dates. This is particularly important for pregnant women, because a listeria infection (known as listeriosis) in pregnancy can cause pregnancy and birth complications, and can result in miscarriage.

The incubation period can vary considerably, from a few days to several weeks. The symptoms will usually pass within three days.

Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Escherichia coli, often known as E. coli, are bacteria found in the digestive systems of many animals, including humans. Most strains are harmless but some can cause serious illness.

Most cases of E. coli food poisoning occur after eating undercooked beef (particularly mince, burgers and meatballs) or drinking unpasteurised milk.

The incubation period for food poisoning caused by E. coli is typically one to eight days. The symptoms usually last for a few days or weeks.


Shigella bacteria can contaminate any food that has been washed in contaminated water.

Symptoms typically develop within seven days of eating contaminated food and last for up to a week.

An infection caused by Shigella bacteria is known as bacillary dysentery or shigellosis. See the topic on dysentery for more information about it.


The virus that most commonly causes diarrhoea and vomiting is the norovirus. It's easily spread from person to person, through contaminated food or water. Raw shellfish, particularly oysters, can also be a source of infection.

The incubation period typically lasts 24-48 hours and the symptoms usually pass in a couple of days.

In young children, the rotavirus is a common cause of infection from contaminated food. The symptoms usually develop within a week and pass in around five to seven days.


In the UK, food poisoning caused by parasites is rare. It's much more common in the developing world.

Parasitic infections that can be spread in contaminated food include:

  • giardiasis – an infection caused by a parasite called Giardia intestinalis
  • cryptosporidiosis – an infection caused by a parasite called Cryptosporidium
  • ameobiasis – a type of dysentery caused by a single-cell parasite (ameoba) called Entamoeba histolytica (this is very rare in the UK)

The symptoms of food poisoning caused by a parasite usually develop within 10 days of eating contaminated food, although sometimes it may be weeks before you feel unwell.

If left untreated, the symptoms can last a long time – sometimes several weeks or even a few months.

Medically Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on August 12, 2020

“Food poisoning” is a broad term that can actually cover a whole lot of different infections.

Your exact symptoms and how bad they are will vary. They will depend on the kind of bacteria, virus, or parasite that’s infected you, how much is in your system, and how well your immune system is fighting it off.

Despite the wide range of types, most cases of food poisoning cause some mix of the following:

If you have a mild case, you might think you have a “stomach flu” or virus. You may get better without any treatment. But some people have such bad symptoms that they may need to go to the hospital.

Cramps in your stomach and gut, diarrhea, and vomiting may start as early as 1 hour after eating tainted food and as late as 10 days or longer. It depends on what is causing the infection.

Some other possible, common symptoms of a variety of food poisonings might include:

  • Bloating and gas
  • Fever
  • Muscle aches
  • Weakness
  • Belly pain and cramping

Some symptoms mean you should seek medical help:

  • Repeated vomiting; not being able to hold anything down
  • Signs of dehydration: dry mouth, little or no urination, dizziness, or sunken eyes
  • Any diarrhea in a newborn or infant
  • Diarrhea that lasts longer than 2 days (1 day in a child) or is severe
  • Severe gut pain
  • Fever of 102 F or higher, or a rectal temperature of 100.4 F in a baby younger than 3 months
  • Black, tarry, or bloody stools
  • Muscle weakness
  • Tingling in your arms
  • Blurry vision
  • Confusion
  • Diarrhea or flulike illness in pregnant women
  • Jaundice (yellow skin), which can be a sign of hepatitis A

You’ve probably heard of the some of the bad bugs that can cause food poisoning:

  • Campylobacter
  • E. coli
  • Listeria
  • Salmonella
  • Shigella

Botulism is a rare but severe type of bacterial food poisoning.

Clostridium botulinum is the bacteria that causes botulism. It grows on food that hasn’t been cooked or stored at the right temperatures to kill it or stop it from growing. This sometimes happens with foods that have been canned at home. Babies can get it from foods that have bacteria in them, because they don’t have the natural defenses that older children and adults do. Honey is the most common food that can infect a baby with botulism -- never give it to a baby under 1 year of age.

Symptoms might include:

  • Slurred speech or blurred vision
  • Muscle weakness
  • Hard time swallowing
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle paralysis from the head down through the body
  • Vomiting

Call 911 if you see any symptoms of botulism in yourself or a loved one.

Anyone who eats contaminated food can get ill from food poisoning. But just how sick you get depends on what the infection is, how much of it you’re exposed to, your age, and your health. Certain groups of people have a greater chance of getting seriously sick from food poisoning:

  • Adults ages 65 and older: As you age, your immune system becomes less able to fight off infection.
  • Babies and young children: Very young people don’t have fully developed immune systems.
  • Pregnant women: Changes in your body when you’re pregnant make it more likely that germs and bacteria can make you seriously sick.
  • People with long-term illnesses: Conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, HIV, AIDS, or treatment for cancer can weaken your immune system.

To diagnose food poisoning, your doctor will review your medical history, including your symptoms, how long you’ve had them, and what foods you’ve eaten. They’ll also ask whether you’ve traveled, and they may ask whether anyone else at home has these symptoms.

Based on what they find out, they may test your urine to see if you’re dehydrated. They may also take blood and stool samples to try and trace the organism that has caused your illness.

If they find out the organism, they may contact your local health department to see if there’s an outbreak. It’s not always possible to find the exact cause.

Viral gastroenteritis, or “stomach flu,” has several symptoms that are a lot like those of food poisoning, including:

  • Stomach pain and cramping
  • Watery diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting

Just like with food poisoning, you may have a fever. But it will be a low-grade one (less than 101 F). Your head and muscles could also hurt.

These symptoms often start within 1 to 3 days of when you catch the infection. They usually last just a day or 2, but can go on as long as 10 days.

A mild case of food poisoning usually passes on its own with just rest and lots of fluids. But if you or a loved one has any signs of botulism or life-threatening illness, call 911 right away.

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