How long does it take to give a dog x-rays?

Dr. Debra Primovic
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures

An abdominal radiograph (X-ray) is a procedure that allows your veterinarian to visualize tissue, organs and bones that lie beneath the skin. Abdominal X-rays are indicated to evaluate pets with abdominal symptoms such as vomiting, retching, constipation or diarrhea. This test can also be helpful in cases of unexplained fever, abdominal trauma, penetrating abdominal wounds, loss of appetite or weight loss. An X-ray is often done when a pet is suspected of swallowing foreign material, when blood tests indicate a problem with abdominal organs, or as a follow up to physical examination when abdominal pain or another abnormality is detected. Detecting stage of pregnancy and number of fetuses is another important use of the X-ray. Kidney, urinary bladder and reproductive tract problems can also benefit from an abdominal X-ray. There is no real contraindication to performing this test. Even normal results help determine health or exclude certain diseases.


Abdominal X-rays provide an image of the bones and the outlines of a number of internal organs including the liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, bladder, uterus and prostate gland. This test can be extremely useful for detecting changes in the shape, size or position of organs. Unfortunately, important structures can sometimes blend together on X-rays, so this test does have limitations. For example, a tumor may blend into the background of normal organs because they have the same “opacity,” or shade of gray as the normal tissues. Some foreign objects (such as some plastics) can be invisible on the X-ray. Thus, abdominal X-rays are an excellent “screening test,” but they do not detect all internal problems. In some cases, additional procedures such as ultrasound, endoscopy (scoping), contrast (barium) or dye study or even exploratory surgery are needed to diagnose an intra-abdominal problem.

How Is an Abdominal X-ray Done?

Specialized, expensive equipment is required to expose and develop the X-ray film. The pet’s abdomen is measured with a special ruler and the exposure time of the X-ray machine is set. The pet is then placed gently on his side to obtain the “lateral” view. Invisible X-rays then pass from the tube of the radiograph machine, through the animal and onto the X-ray film underneath the pet. Depending on the density of the tissues and organs and the ability of the X-rays to pass through these tissues, different shades of gray will show up on the developed X-ray. This process is then repeated with the animal on his back to obtain the “ventrodorsal” view. Taking two views of the abdomen will give your veterinarian a more complete study and allow a more thorough interpretation of the abdomen.

The film is then developed. Radiographs usually take about 5 to 20 minutes to obtain, plus the development time needed for the film (5 to 30 minutes). Special studies (such as a barium study) take much longer. In some situations, your veterinarian may request the assistance of a radiologist or specialist in evaluating and interpreting the radiographs.


No pain is involved. The procedure is noninvasive.


Neither sedation nor anesthesia is needed in most patients; however, some pets resent positioning for an X-ray and may need tranquilization or ultrashort anesthesia. In a few states there is a legal requirement for sedation so that personnel are not exposed to any X-rays while holding an animal patient. However, in most cases, the unsedated pet is attended by assistants who wear appropriate lead-shields to minimize their exposure to X-rays

Our digital X-ray system means we can get clear images of body structures rapidly.

What are X-rays?

X-rays are a type of radiation. We’re all exposed to some radiation all the time. Unlike some other forms of radiation such as visible light, radiowaves and microwaves, X-rays travel through the body.

An image can be created because the X-rays are absorbed differently by various tissues as they pass through the body. Bones absorb more X-rays and show up as white or light grey. Lungs containing air don’t absorb much and show up as dark grey or black. Other soft tissues will be various shades of grey.

When do we recommend X-rays?

Because of the way they work, X-rays are great for looking at bones and chests. So we might recommend an X-ray if your pet has neck, back, hip or limb problems (eg arthritis, fracture) or if we suspect a lung or heart problem.

While ultrasound has largely replaced X-rays when it comes to looking at abdomens, we do still use X-rays here. For example, if we’re worried about a foreign body causing an intestinal obstruction or if your pet has possibly swallowed something metallic (eg battery), X-rays can be very helpful.

X-rays are also useful for looking at teeth when we need to make decisions about dental work. Dental X-rays show the roots of teeth and cavities that can’t be seen on the surface.

We also perform X-rays during some operations. For example, if we are repairing a fracture or doing a knee reconstruction, we might take X-rays to help us assess alignment and angles.

Who does X-rays at Albert Park?

All the clinical staff (ie vets and nurses) take X-rays. We are all trained in radiation safety.

What happens during an X-ray?

Generally, there is no specific preparation for X-rays. Fasting may be recommended if we need to do the X-rays under sedation or anaesthetic.

Before taking the image, the area to be X-rayed is measured and the X-ray machine is adjusted. Your pet is then placed into position and must stay still while we direct the X-ray beam through the area of interest. Any movement will cause a blurred image, so for positions that are awkward or uncomfortable, we often give sedation. If we are holding your pet during the X-ray, we put on lead-lined clothing.

The image is then digitally processed and appears on a computer screen. Here we can manipulate the image (ie make it bigger or darker or rotate it, or compare it to others) and potentially make a diagnosis. Sometimes we will send X-rays to a specialist for their opinion.

Is sedation needed?

Unlike ultrasound, we do need your pet to stay still for an X-ray. So for very wriggly pets or conditions/positions that may be uncomfortable, we will often need sedation. For very painful conditions (eg fractures) or very awkward positions (eg those used for hip scoring), we will often use a short general anaesthetic.

We can often get good chest X-rays without the need for sedation.

How long does it take to get my pet X-rayed?

Digital X-ray examinations are generally quick. Most can be carried out within 15–30 minutes. The whole process may take longer if we need to sedate your pet, or if we need to take multiple images over time (eg watching barium move through the gut).

What are the risks of X-ray?

The use of radiation carries some risk. However, radiation doses used for diagnostic imaging (as opposed to radiation for cancer treatment) are very small and there isn’t any evidence of health effects for pets.

To put things into a human perspective, you would need to have about 38 chest X-rays to get the same amount of radiation you get from a year’s worth of normal background radiation.

Like with any form of testing, there is a risk of overdiagnosis. This means we find something that would not have caused a problem if it wasn’t found, but can lead to further (sometimes invasive) investigation and treatment (ie overtreatment). The best way to avoid this is working with highly experienced vets who are able to interpret findings in context.

What are the benefits of X-ray?

X-rays are readily available and can rapidly diagnose issues such as:

  • lung conditions (eg pneumonia, oedema, collapse, cancer)
  • heart conditions (eg heart failure)
  • fractures
  • bone infections, tumours
  • arthritis
  • bowel blockage
  • kidney and bladder stones

What are the limitations of X-ray?

While X-rays can be good for looking at the bones of the back, they aren’t very useful for looking at the spinal cord. So even for severe back problems such as paralysis, we might not be able to see anything wrong on X-ray. If we need to look at the brain or spinal cord, other imaging is needed such as CT or MRI. These are available, but you need a referral to a specialist.

When can I expect the results of my pet’s X-rays?

Generally, results are available immediately, however a written report may take 24 hours. Some X-rays (eg hip scores) need to be sent to a third party for interpretation – this can take a few weeks.

Radiographs (X-rays) offer vets a non-invasive way to look at what is happening on the inside of your pet. The two main types of tissues we look at using X-rays are bones and soft tissue structures.

Conditions affecting the bones that may be diagnosed using X-rays include:

  • fractures
  • osteoarthritis
  • spinal problems
  • dislocations
  • bone cancer

They can also be used to monitor healing fractures, to ensure orthopaedic surgeries have been successful, or to monitor bone growth in young animals.

Conditions affecting soft tissue structures that can be monitored using X-rays include:

  • heart enlargement
  • chest or lung conditions such as pneumonia or asthma
  • cancer
  • stomach or intestinal foreign bodies
  • kidney disease
  • bladder stones
  • constipation

X-rays are also used in dentistry to assess what is happening to the roots of teeth underneath the gum line. This helps us to better diagnose dental issues in your pet that would likely be causing them pain or discomfort.

X-rays are safe for your pet and are normally conducted while they are under a light sedative to calm their nerves. Some X-rays require animals to lay in uncomfortable positions, like hip X-rays or after a fracture. For these, a general anaesthetic might be used.

What happens to my pet when they are booked in for an X-ray?

Most of our patients are admitted into hospital for the whole day to have routine X-rays taken (except in emergencies). We ask that you don’t feed your pet on the morning of their X-ray in case they require any sedatives or anaesthetics. Please click here for more information on pre-surgical care.

Greencross Vets clinics are equipped with high-quality radiograph equipment including X-ray machines, automatic processors, and X-ray view equipment. Once the X-rays have been processed, your veterinarian will show you the images and discuss your pet’s diagnosis and treatment plan in a discharge appointment.

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