How long after giving birth can a cat be spayed

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It happens all the time. A poor, stray pregnant cat shows up on your doorstep, all alone in the world. You know how cats always rub their faces against objects? Some cat left a message that kind people live here, so there she is. After she has kittens, spay her.

After Mama cat delivers her kittens, wait between five and six weeks, when the kittens are pretty much weaned, before bringing her in for spaying. Don't let her have any contact with tomcats during this time because she could get pregnant again.

If you've trapped a feral cat, time is of the essence in getting her spayed, since you really can't let her out of the trap or cage. Beforehand, contact a spay/neuter facility that can take in feral cats without appointment, since you never know when a cat is going into the trap. If she's pregnant, the vet will inject a solution into the uterus after removing it to euthanize the kittens. Feral cats need dissolvable sutures to close the incision because catching them again to remove stitches is extremely difficult.

The spay procedure, called an ovariohysterectomy, consists of removing Kitty's ovaries and uterus. After putting the cat under general anesthesia, the vet makes a small incision in her abdomen, removes the organs, then closes the incision with sutures. While any surgery involves some risk, the overwhelming majority of female kitties recover well from this most common operation. Not only will your cat no longer get pregnant, her risk for uterine cancer is nil and for mammary cancer is greatly reduced.

The tragic truth is that there are too many cats in the world and not enough homes. Every year, millions of cats are euthanized in animal shelters because no one wanted them. It is possible to spay a pregnant cat, never allowing the kittens to be born. It's also quite likely that you bring a cat in for spaying, never realizing she's pregnant. The vet makes the discovery when performing the surgery. If there's a chance the cat is pregnant, let the vet know ahead of time whether you want the spay to proceed. She can close the incision without disturbing the uterus if you don't want to kill the kittens. Some vets won't spay expectant cats past a certain stage of the pregnancy.

You can spay or neuter kittens not long after Mama cat gets fixed. In the past, most cats were ideally spayed or neutered about the time they entered adolescence, at 6 months of age. Today, many veterinarians and spay/neuter facilities perform the surgeries on kittens starting at the age of 3 months, if they weigh at least 2 pounds. The procedure is easier on babies, notes the ASPCA, as "there is less body fat to contend with, bleeding is minimal, and the patients are awake much sooner after surgery."

When Should She Be Spayed?

I wasn't able to find any definitive information about when a nursing mother should be spayed, but spaying nursing mothers seems common in TNR (trap neuter return) groups (it's better to spay a cat that you have in a trap now, then try to trap her again later).

Ally Cat Allies (a leading TNR group) states (based, presumably, on their 25 years of experience in TNR advocacy):

Nursing mother cats continue to produce milk after being spayed, and can continue to nurse their kittens.

Best Spaying Technique for Nursing Mother

If you want to get her spayed while she is nursing, you can call the local veterinarians and ask if they are experienced in flank spaying.

In the US, cats are normally spayed with an incision along their midline (the belly), but in UK (at least in 2006) the incision is more commonly located along the flank (along the side).

The benefit of a flank spay for a nursing mother is that the incision is less likely to be affected by any leaking milk, and you will be able to monitor the incision without bothering the kittens.

You might have heard it is the best practice to get your cat spayed as a kitten, but we all know that doesn’t always work out. Sometimes, kittens get pregnant sooner than their owner expects. Or you might take in a stray only to discover she already is expecting kittens. No matter how it happened, it’s still beneficial to get your cat spayed as soon as possible after giving birth.

But how soon is too soon? Most vets ask you to wait until five or six weeks after the birth before spaying. This gives your kittens time to be less reliant on their mother and gives the mother time for recovery. But be careful! Female cats are already fertile shortly after giving birth, so you’ll want to keep her away from intact male cats in the meantime, just in case.

When Can Cats Get Pregnant?

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You might think that your kittens need to be close to a year old before they can get pregnant, but that’s not true. Kittens grow up quickly, and they can get pregnant long before they reach full size. In fact, kittens can reach sexual maturity at around four months old. Once that happens, your kitten will go into heat every few weeks until she’s spayed or pregnant. It is less common for kittens to have a successful pregnancy than adult cats, but it’s still possible.

Cats can also get pregnant shortly after giving birth. Your cat will enter her first heat cycle within days or weeks of having kittens. Even if your cat is actively nursing her kittens, this might not prevent pregnancy. Back-to-back pregnancies like this aren’t very healthy for your cat, but they do happen. This means that while you’re waiting for your cat to get spayed, you’ll have to keep her safe from male cats that might impregnate her again.

What Are the Benefits of Spaying?

Aside from overpopulation, there are quite a few benefits of having a spayed cat around. For starters, cats live longer after spaying. They are less likely to develop cancer, uterine infections, escape to the outdoors, and catch diseases from feral cats.

Another benefit of spaying is that it prevents unwanted behaviors. Unspayed cats often become anxious and noisy during heat and may try to escape outside. Spayed cats are more likely to be even-keeled, get along with other cats, and feel safe and comfortable. Unless you have a purebred cat and a breeding setup, it’s best to keep your cat spayed.

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Does Spaying Hurt My Cat?

You might be worried about your cat going in for surgery, especially if she’s given birth only a few weeks before. But spaying isn’t that scary. During the actual surgery, your cat will be given anesthetic and other pain medication to help her avoid pain. In the days after spaying, your cat might experience some mild discomfort as incisions heal, but within a few days to a few weeks, she should be back to normal. She will also go home with daily pain medications to keep her comfortable. Spaying is a very routine surgery, so complications are rare.

Last Thoughts

Overall, it’s in your cat’s best interest to be spayed. She’ll be happier and healthier, and it will prevent more kittens from being born—a good thing when there are too many unwanted adult cats out there already. If your cat is pregnant or just barely gave birth, you will have to wait a little while, though. In the meantime, enjoy those newborn kittens while they are here—just don’t forget to spay them too when the time comes.

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Veterinarians frequently perform surgical procedures such as spaying and neutering. These procedures keep cats from having litters of kittens. A female animal’s ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus are removed during spay surgery.

However, if you have a cat that just gave birth to kittens, you might wonder when you can get your cat spayed.

You can get your female cat spayed five and six weeks after delivering her kittens when the kittens are nearly weaned. Allow her no contact with tomcats during this time because she may become pregnant again.

This article will talk all about when to spay your cat and its benefits.

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How Soon After a Litter Can A Cat Be Spayed?

A cat can be spayed after five to six weeks after birthing a litter of kittens.

It’s safe to say you’ll be surprised when you take the cat in for a spay only to find out your vet can’t do it because she’s pregnant.

The procedure that would have prevented her pregnancy will have to be postponed.

After her litter is born, you won’t be able to get her spayed right away. She’ll be ready a few weeks after giving birth.

Your cat will be nursing her tiny furballs around the clock for weeks after giving birth to them.

You should not have her spayed during this time period because the surgery may be more complicated.

During the nursing stage, the mama kitty’s mammary glands swell due to milk production, making surgery unappealing to most veterinarians.

Wait until the kittens begin to wean before having your cat spayed.

According to the ASPCA, you should be able to start weaning your fluffy friends around 4 weeks of age. You can separate the kittens from their mother for a few hours at a time during this time.

Feed them gruel, kitten food that has been heavily soaked in water, or kitten milk replacer for four to six weeks, or until they are no longer nursing.

This weaning stage is the soonest you should spay your cat after she gives birth.

She can still produce milk for her babies when they require it, but they will be content to be separated from her for extended periods of time as they learn to eat and care for themselves.

If you have a non-neutered male cat in the house or if your queen is allowed to roam outside and mate with the neighborhood tomcat, spaying the cat soon after birth is critical.

She becomes fertile again shortly after her kittens are born – weeks before she begins weaning. You must keep her separate from intact male kitties for about a month before you can spay her.

Otherwise, you might have another litter of kittens a few months later.

It’s important to know how soon can a cat get pregnant after having kittens

Can A Pregnant Cat Be Spayed?

Yes, a pregnant cat can be spayed.

Spaying a pregnant cat is possible at any point throughout the pregnancy. The owner is frequently unaware that the cat is pregnant.

Tell your veterinarian what you want to happen if your cat becomes pregnant if you have any doubts. The incision can be closed to continue the pregnancy, or the spay can be performed, and the developing kittens, along with the rest of the uterus, will be removed.

Most vets will charge an additional cost for spaying a pregnant animal due to the extra effort and operation time. After a particular stage of pregnancy, some veterinarians will not knowingly spay a pregnant animal.

Experts are frequently questioned about what to deal with freshly adopted stray cats who are suspected of being pregnant.

Many people who work with a variety of rescue organizations are acutely aware of the pet overpopulation problem. Regardless of pregnancy, experts recommend spaying stray or recently adopted female cats.

There are already far too many kittens without homes.

Find out more details: Can You Spay a Pregnant Cat? Is It Safe?

Reasons To Spay Cats

There are reasons why you should spay your cat is that it provides several medical and behavioral benefits.

Medical Benefits

  • Your female cat will live a healthier and longer life. Spaying aids in the prevention of uterine infections and breast tumors, which are malignant or cancerous in approximately  90% of cats. The best protection against these diseases is to spay your pet before her first heat.
  • Neutering your male companion reduces the risk of testicular cancer and some prostate issues.

Behavioral Benefits

  • Your spayed female pet will not become pregnant. Female felines typically go into heat four to five days every three weeks during the breeding season, though cycles vary. They’ll yowl and urinate more frequently, sometimes all over the house, in an effort to attract mates.
  • Your male cats will be less likely to leave the house. An intact male will do almost anything to find a mate, including devising novel ways to get out of the house. He risks injury in traffic and fights with other male animals once he is free to roam.
  • Your neutered and spayed cat may be more well-behaved. Unneutered cats are more likely to spray strong-smelling urine all over the house to mark their territory. After being neutered, your cat may be less likely to mount other cats, people, or inanimate objects. Early neutering may help to avoid some aggression issues.
  • It is also very cost-effective to spay/neuter your pets. The cost of spaying or neutering your pet is far less than the cost of having and caring for a litter.

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Why Is Spaying Cats Crucial?

Spaying cats is crucial to keeping your cat healthy and reducing the population of kittens. According to, approximately 3.7 million cats are put down at shelters each year due to a lack of willing and able adopters.

Spaying a cat refers to an ovariohysterectomy, which is the removal of parts of a female cat’s reproductive system to prevent her from becoming pregnant and giving birth to kittens.

Cat spaying is a surgical procedure that can only be performed correctly and safely by a veterinary surgeon.

Spaying a cat is a routine surgical procedure that carries a low risk of serious medical complications.

Unless your cat is purebred, there is no reason to continue allowing her to have kittens.

The reality is that, despite efforts to educate the public about the importance of spaying and neutering pets, there is still a significant pet overpopulation problem in the United States.

Because kittens are so popular, most people will end up adopting kittens rather than adult cats.

This leaves the adult cats without homes and at risk of being put down. The greater the number of kittens available, the greater the risk of putting them down for adult cats.

It’s best to have a female cat spayed after she’s had kittens and weaned them. By the age of four months, all kittens should be neutered or spayed.

When kittens reach sexual maturity, they can and will mate with their littermates. It’s best if they’re sterilized well ahead of time. Young cats becoming pregnant can be extremely dangerous.

According to, shelters put down around 3.7 million animals each year owing to a shortage of willing and able adopters.

Spaying and neutering your cat ensures that you don’t contribute to this statistic and that none of your cat’s children become a fatal statistic.

Consider this: according to the Feral Cat Project, a non-spayed female cat can produce up to 100 more cats in her lifetime, including the litters of kittens her un-spayed kittens will later have. This astonishing figure, however, may be avoided simply by spaying or neutering your cat.

Your cats will be happier and make better pets as a result of spaying or neutering.

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What Is The Spay Procedure?

The spay procedure refers to the ovariohysterectomy, or the removal of portions of the reproductive system of a female cat so she cannot get pregnant and give birth to kittens.

Spaying a cat is a surgical treatment that only a veterinary specialist can execute correctly and safely.

Spaying a cat is a relatively simple surgical treatment with a low risk of major medical problems.

The following procedures are used to spay a cat:

  • Analgesic (pain) and anti-anxiety (calming) drugs with several modes of action is given. 
  • To keep the cat comfortable throughout the treatment, your veterinarian will use a general anesthetic.
  • The attending veterinary team checks your cat’s breathing and heart rate, oxygen levels, blood pressure, and overall health during the anesthetic operation.
  • A minor incision removes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus in your cat’s abdomen.
  • Your veterinarian uses sutures to close the wound.
  • Your veterinarian may also offer you post-operative instructions. Although spaying a cat may cause some discomfort immediately following surgery, your veterinarian will prescribe several pain-relieving treatments.

If you’re unsure whether or not to spay your cat, consult your veterinarian at your next appointment for assistance in making an informed and responsible decision.

Must Read: Can A Spayed Cat Nurse Kittens?

What Are The Complications Of Spaying A Cat

The Complications with spaying a cat are: –

  • There is always a potential that your cat will experience negative side effects after being spayed, just as there is with any form of invasive surgery. Some animals react badly to the anesthesia used in surgery, and significant problems, including death, can result.
  • Infections might also develop at the surgical site. Infections will be treated with antibiotics, and keeping the operation site clean can help reduce infection risk.
  • If your cat eats her sutures, a no-chew cone may be placed around her neck to prevent her from accessing the operation site until it heals completely.

Will Cat’s Personality Change After Spaying?

Yes, a cat’s personality will change after spaying, but it will ultimately be for the better.

Your cat’s personality will alter as a result of spaying or neutering, but it will be for the better. Hormones control the behavior of unfixed cats.

Female cats in heat are agitated, anxious, and vocal, and they attract unneutered males in the area. Unneutered males are also more likely to become frustrated and aggressive, and territorial by spraying around the house.

They’ll almost certainly fight any man they come across. Exercise and a healthy diet are also essential for a smooth transition.

However, there is no requirement for them to gain weight. Indoor cats can eat a variety of foods designed specifically for them.

A laser pointer can be used to give them a nice workout for exercise. When you spay your cat, it becomes more relaxed and quiet, is less prone to wander away from home, and is a better pet overall.

You might like to read Do Cats Get Nicer After Being Spayed? Has Spay Affected My Cat’s Behavior?

Or you can also check out Cat Acting Hyper After Neuter? Know All The Possible Reasons!

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. Spaying your cat also has a number of health benefits. Female cats who have been spayed are roughly 40% to 60% less likely to develop mammary cancer than cats who have not been spayed. Spaying also removes the risk of developing tumors in the reproductive system as well as the risk of infection in the reproductive tract. Feline leukemia (FeLV) and feline AIDS are more common in cats who mate or fight (FIV). Both of these diseases are only found in cats and are, sadly, incurable. Your cat’s risk of developing either of these diseases is greatly reduced when they are spayed.

Ans. Your veterinarian will examine your cat before the surgery to ensure she is healthy enough to be operated on. Cats as young as 8 weeks old can be spayed to lessen the possibility of unintended pregnancy. (spaying on time has a health benefit as well.) Spaying older animals is possible if your veterinarian believes that they are healthy enough to undergo the procedure. Spaying a cat that is in heat is generally not a smart choice since it increases the risk of blood loss.

Ans. No. There is no medical evidence that it is beneficial. Spaying a female cat before her first heat cycle can reduce her risk of breast cancer and provide other health and behavioral benefits.

Final Words

So, you must wait for 5 to 6 weeks before getting your female cat spayed after she has given birth. You must keep her away from other male cats and restrict her from going outside as she can become pregnant again.

After the waiting period is over, the kittens as weaned, you should consult your vet and spay your cat as soon as possible, to keep it healthy and reduce the risk of several diseases.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask us in the comments sections.

Also, check out When Can My Cat Go Outside After Giving Birth?


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