Dog limping no pain when touched

Limping in dogs is common but not normal. Lameness or limping means the dog is walking abnormally on one or more limbs. This may be due to pain, loss of function, or both. Lameness of any kind is a sign there is an illness or injury. If your dog is limping, it's important to take action. How fast to act depends on the severity of the lameness.

Like humans, dogs can get injuries or develop illnesses that lead to limping. In some cases, the dog can put weight on all limbs but a limp or abnormal gait is observed. This limp may be obvious or subtle. Sometimes, the dog will hold up the affected limb and will not weight on it at all. The dog may even drag the affected limb around. Limping and lameness may be intermittent or constant depending on the situation.

Limping is not usually an emergency situation. In many cases, a limping dog should be seen by a veterinarian soon but not immediately. If you notice your dog limping, first assess the situation. Is your dog able to stand or walk? Is there bleeding or swelling? Do you need to administer first aid of some kind? How painful is your dog? Are there other signs of illness?

There are some situations in which you should bring your dog to the nearest open veterinarian immediately. If it happens after hours, you may need to go to an emergency vet clinic. Watch for these signs:

  • Sudden inability or unwillingness to get up or move
  • Extreme pain (trembling, vocalizing and/or showing signs of fear or aggression)
  • Bleeding profusely (apply pressure to the wound on the way to the vet)
  • Excessive swelling in one or more limbs 
  • Obvious fracture (broken bone)
  • Dragging of one or more limbs or otherwise appears paralyzed (this may be a spinal problem that can progress rapidly and may become permanent if not treated immediately)
  • Fever (temperature over 102.5 F)
  • Other signs of major illness, like extreme lethargy or severe vomiting.

If you notice anything else that makes you worried, you should contact a veterinary office for advice or simply get to the vet's office. It's always better to exercise caution when it comes to your dog's health.

Be very careful when moving an injured dog as you could accidentally make his injuries worse or cause unnecessary pain. A painful dog may bite out of self-protection, even if he has never bitten anyone before. Carefully lift your dog into the car, even if he is able to walk on his own. If your dog is unable to walk, it's best to find help carrying him to the car (unless he is very small). If possible, slide a sheet or blanket under your dog followed by a board or cardboard box to act as a stretcher. With the help of another person, slowly move your dog to the car and secure him in place if possible. 

If you are concerned about moving your dog or need help finding the best way to move him, call a veterinary office for advice. 

If you notice your dog is limping, but have determined it is not an emergency, there are a few things you can do to help.

First, examine the area. If your dog will allow it, try to get a closer look at the affected limb. Is there a certain spot your dog is licking? This could be the source of the problem. Gently handle the foot and leg, looking for cuts, bruises, swelling, heat, tender spots, instability, and any other unusual signs. Look at the paw pad and between the toes to see if there is a wound or a foreign object stuck somewhere. Check for torn toenails. Gently manipulate the joints to check for tenderness or stiffness. You may feel or hear grinding in the joints that might indicate arthritis.

If you find a minor wound, clean it with gentle soap and lukewarm water (no hydrogen peroxide or alcohol). You can apply an antiseptic ointment if desired, but make sure to keep your dog from licking it off.

Major wounds should be handled by a vet as soon as possible. If you cannot tell how deep the cut is, you should get to the vet soon for closer examination.

Mild swelling: if you notice swelling on the leg your pet is limping on, best call the vet for advice. Sometimes they may advise rest and to ice the area (with ice wrapped in a clean towel) for 15-20 minutes. If swelling on the leg or a limp persists beyond 12-24 hours or seems to worsen, it is important to see the vet. In some areas of the country where poisonous snakes are common, mild swelling and a sudden lameness may be the only sign that a poisonous snake bite has occured. If you suspect your pet has been bit by a snake, call the vet right away.

If your dog has a small object in his paw (like a tiny splinter or piece of glass) you can try to dislodge it with tweezers, but be very careful! Your dog might bite out of pain and you don't want to get hurt too. If you are able to pull out the item, clean it afterward as you would for a small cut. If you cannot remove the item (or are uncomfortable trying) go to the vet for help.

Rest and confinement are best for healing. In many cases of limping, there will be no external signs. If this is the case for your dog and the limping is not severe, try to keep him quiet and comfortable. Encourage your dog to rest and do not take him for a walk or run. Do not allow your dog to exercise or jump up. Avoid stairs or carry him up and down the steps. For potty breaks, take your dog out on a short leash just to do his business. At all other times, crate rest is the best plan, especially if you won't be home for part of the day. Alternatively, you may confine your dog to a very small area. Provide a soft bed that is low to the ground. If the limping does not begin to improve within 24-48 hours, bring your dog to the vet for an examination.

Never give your dog over-the-counter medications unless specifically recommended by your veterinarian. Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and naproxen are toxic to dogs. Even aspirin can be harmful if used improperly and can prevent your vet from being able to start your pet on safer and more effective medication for them as they may want. In addition, do not give any prescription medications unless they have been prescribed to your dog for this specific problem. Contact your veterinarian before giving any medications.

Dog limping is caused by either an injury or an illness. Limping often indicates that your dog is in some kind of discomfort. However, it may also mean that your dog is physically incapable of moving normally whether or not he is in pain. There are a variety of reasons for limping in dogs.

  • Sprain or strain
  • Cut on paw or foot
  • Object stuck in paw or foot
  • Torn nail
  • Bite from an animal or insect
  • Arthritis
  • Fracture (broken bone)
  • Dislocation, luxation, or subluxation of a joint
  • Torn ligament or tendon
  • Patellar luxation (affects one or both knees)
  • Cruciate injury (affects one or both knees)
  • Hip dysplasia (affects one or both rear limbs)
  • Elbow dysplasia 
  • Intervertebral disc disease (slipped disc or herniated disc)
  • Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD can affect one or both shoulders)
  • Panosteitis (occurs in puppies; sometimes referred to as "growing pains")
  • Degenerative Myelopathy
  • Infection (may be internal or external)
  • Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis
  • Tick-borne disease
  • Cancer (less common); often a bone tumor; some cancers in the lungs can affect the front limbs
  • Congenital malformation
  • Other muscle, nerve, bone, or immune system disorder

In some cases, the actual cause of limping cannot be determined. Your veterinarian will talk to you about options for diagnosis and treatment of your dog's limping.

When you bring your dog to the veterinarian for limping, the staff will begin by getting some information from you. They will ask how long the limping has been going on and whether or not you saw the original injury. They will ask other questions about your dog's medical history. Provide as much information as you can about your dog's limping and medical history. If the limping is intermittent or there is another abnormal aspect to the gait, you may wish to take a video to show the vet.

Next, the veterinarian will conduct a physical examination. The vet will check over your dog's entire body looking for potential causes of the lameness and concurrent health issues. Radiographs (x-rays) are commonly recommended to look for fractures and other abnormalities in the limbs. In some cases, sedation is necessary to get the best images.

Your vet may also recommend lab testing to assess organ function and blood cell counts. Lab work is useful for several reasons. They may reveal or rule out health problems that cause or contribute to the lameness. Or, there may be underlying problems that are unrelated to the limping but will make sedation or medications dangerous. Some owners think lab work is unnecessary and expensive. However, it is a very important tool that is ultimately worth the cost. Although it is your prerogative to decline lab work, it may limit your vet's ability to diagnose and treat your dog or make treatment riskier. 

Treatment for dog limping usually depends on the cause. Some limping will resolve on its own. In many cases, the first step of treatment includes rest and medication (especially if your vet suspects a sprain/strain, arthritis, or minor issue). Certain injuries and diseases require more aggressive treatment, such as physical therapy or surgery (some fractures, major cruciate injuries, etc.).

Your vet may recommend advanced diagnostics or a second opinion from a veterinary specialist in the case of a major issue, or if your dog has undiagnosed limping that does not go away.

Be sure to follow up regularly with your veterinarian about the status of your dog's limping. Don't wait for things to get serious. If things are not getting better on their own, your vet will need to adjust the treatment plan.


  • Why is my dog limping?

    There are two kinds of limping in dogs: gradual onset limping, which develops over time, and sudden limping which happens usually because of a trauma or injury.

  • What do I do if my dog is limping?

    Call your veterinarian immediately to see if she wants you to bring your dog in to be looked at.

  • When should I take my limping dog to the vet?

    The moment you notice the limping. It could be something minor, or something more serious. An exam and radiograph (x-ray) are the only way to be sure.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

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