According to the moral choices textbook, which of these is not a reason why ethics is important:

*Select quizzes from ETHC 101. Updated for 2022

ETHC 101 Quiz: Consequentialism, Duty Ethics, and Christian Ethics

  1. According to the Moral Choices textbook, which of the following is not a solution for resolving apparent conflicts between divine commands?
  2. According to the Moral Choices textbook, which of these is NOT true of natural law?
  3. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the Bible itself appeals to natural law.
  4. According to the Moral Choices textbook, Christian ethics is a combination of:
  5. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the evolutionary view of morality holds that:
  6. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the central position of Natural Law Ethics is:
  7. According to the Moral Choices textbook, which of these is NOT a problem for duty ethics:
  8. According to the Moral Choices textbook, Christian Ethics holds that morality is:
  9. According to the Moral Choices textbook, objective goodness is not simply rooted in God’s commands, but ultimately in what?
  10. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what is a major problem with the evolutionary view of morality?

ETHC 101 Quiz: Relativism, Natural Law, and Virtue Ethics

  1. According to the Moral Choices textbook, which of the following IS true about the connection between the law and morality?
  2. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, moral subjectivism is the view that:
  3. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, cultural relativists often point to the diversity of ethical beliefs around the world as an argument for cultural relativism. What kind of logical fallacy is this?
  4. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, if relativism is true, then moral progress is impossible.
  5. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what is the dominant cultural ideology calling into question the Christian view about moral knowledge?
  6. According to the Moral Choices textbook, which of these is NOT a reason why ethics is important:
  7. According to the Moral Choices textbook, if something is legal, then it must be moral.
  8. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, many people adopt an ethical system or philosophy that works for them without often thinking about why they do what they do.
  9. According to the Moral Choices textbook, a person does not need to answer moral questions in order to have a comprehensive view of the world?
  10. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what term refers to a set of intellectual lenses through which a person sees the world?

ETHC 101 Quiz: Ethics & Sexuality, Marriage & Family

  1. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the biblical ethic for sexual morality is:
  2. According to the Moral Choices textbook, Christians should be sexually pure because:
  3. According to the Moral Choices textbook, sexual immorality (Greek: pornea) includes:
  4. According to the Moral Choices textbook, considering the consequences is the first step in moral decision-making.
  5. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the first reference to the institution of marriage is in what passage?
  6. According to the Moral Choices textbook, there is an important moral distinction between same-sex attraction and same-sex sexual relations.
  7. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what major Supreme Court case legalized gay marriage?
  8. According to the Moral Choices textbook, there are several reasons for thinking that monogamy is biblical norm for marriage. Which of these is NOT one of them?
  9. According to the Moral Choices textbook, having a model for ethical decision making helps us to:
  10. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, what percentage of people stated that they had engaged in unmarried sexual activity?

ETHC Quiz: Ethics & Sexuality, LGBTQ Issues

  1. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, what is NOT true about progressive Christianity:
  2. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, if someone believes homosexual marriage is immoral, they also believe homosexual marriage should be illegal.
  3. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, what are Paul’s reason in Romans 1:24-32 why homosexuality is immoral?
  4. According to the Moral Choices textbook, affirmative action programs were meant to address:
  5. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, a mismatch between a person’s biological sex and their sense of their own gender is called:
  6. According to the Moral Choices textbook, which gender is made in the image of God?
  7. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, Genesis 2:24 indicates that sexuality is binary and is part of the created order.
  8. Christianity teaches that God hates both the sin and the sinner.
  9. According to the Moral Choices textbook, there was tension between which two ethnic groups in the early church?
  10. According to the Moral Choices textbook, God’s covenant with Abraham, referenced in Genesis 12:3, was specifically initiated to bless:

ETHC Quiz – Ethics of Life and Death – Abortion & Euthanasia

  1. According to the Moral Choices textbook, why is conception the most likely starting point for personhood?
  2. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what landmark Supreme Court effectively legalized abortion?
  3. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what is wrong with the “back alley” abortion argument used by pro-choice advocates?
  4. According to the Moral Choices textbook, when life support is merely withdrawn…
  5. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what Old Testament passage is used by pro-choice advocates to suggest that the unborn is not a person?
  6. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what is wrong with the “financial hardship” argument used by pro-choice advocates?
  7. Pro-choice advocates will sometimes argue that a woman has the right to do with her body what she chooses. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what is wrong with this pro-choice argument?
  8. According to the Moral Choices textbook, due to the pervasiveness of sin death is both an enemy and a normal part of life.
  9. According to the Moral Choices textbook, a disturbing trend in modern medicine is…
  10. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the important part of the Christian argument against abortion is to show what?

ETHC 101 Quiz 4 2022

  1. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, orthodox Christianity sees homosexuality as one form of rebellion against God’s created order.
  2. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, what are Paul’s reason in Romans 1:24-32 why homosexuality is immoral?
  3. According to the Moral Choices textbook, there was tension between which two ethnic groups in the early church?
  4. According to the Moral Choices textbook, “Most __________ denominations consider New Testament teaching on women to be an archaic holdover from a patriarchal first century culture.”
  5. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, a mismatch between a person’s biological sex and their sense of their own gender is called:
  6. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, if someone believes homosexual marriage is immoral, they also believe homosexual marriage should be illegal.
  7. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the Black Lives Matter organization was also an advocate for the cause of:
  8. According to the Moral Choices textbook, God’s covenant with Abraham, referenced in Genesis 12:3, was specifically initiated to bless:
  9. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, the Bible indicates that there are real differences between the two sexes that should not be diminished.
  10. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, the terms sex and gender refer to the same thing.

ETHC 101 Quiz 5 2022

  1. According to the Moral Choices textbook, when it comes to the right for PAS/active euthanasia, the argument from compassion has been replaced by the argument from what?
  2. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what is wrong with the “financial hardship” argument used by pro-choice advocates?
  3. According to the Moral Choices textbook, due to the pervasiveness of sin death is both an enemy and a normal part of life.
  4. According to the Moral Choices textbook, Termination of Life Support (TLS) refers to:
  5. According to the Moral Choices textbook, the Bible clearly suggests a continuity of personhood running from _____ to ______.
  6. According to the Moral Choices textbook, God gives us the moral authority to determine the timing and manner of our own death:
  7. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what Old Testament passage is used by pro-choice advocates to suggest that the unborn is not a person?
  8. According to the Moral Choices textbook, active euthanasia refers to:
  9. According to the Moral Choices textbook, why is conception the most likely starting point for personhood?
  10. According to the Moral Choices textbook, when life support is merely withdrawn…

ETHC 101 Quiz 6 2022

  1. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, which of the following is NOT a purpose of civil punishment?
  2. According to the Moral Choices textbook, a prominent argument in favor of the death penalty is that biblical justice demands capital punishment for certain crimes.
  3. According to the Moral Choices textbook, those who are abolitionists want to:
  4. According to the Talking About Ethics textbook, the Retribution Principle says that people who perform harmful actions should NOT be punished in proportion to the gravity of their offenses.
  5. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what is one reason given by those who claim the New Testament abolished capital punishment?
  6. According to the Moral Choices textbook, those who are retentionists want to:
  7. According to the Moral Choices textbook, those who are procedural abolitionists:
  8. According to the Moral Choices textbook, which early Christian figure was one of the earliest proponents of Just War Theory?
  9. According to the Moral Choices textbook, which New Testament passage gives the clearest reference to the death penalty being a responsibility of civil government?
  10. According to the Moral Choices textbook, what biblical passage do pacifists use as evidence of pacifism?

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